Red clover and its medicinal properties
Red clover and its medicinal properties
Not only what is rare and hard to find is valuable. Red clover, one such wonder, is considered a mere weed, when in fact it should be celebrated as a queen. In addition to her generous spirit, it also has a compassionate energy. Let us learn more about Red clover and its medicinal properties.
Benefits of Red clover for health
Red clover is the most powerful medicinal plant when it comes to supporting the lymphatic system and purifying lymph, and it is also exceptional in the process of fighting against all types of cancer.
This generous wild medicinal plant – and you can also use the flower and leaves – is a diuretic, and at the same time the best means of strengthening the blood for all those who are concerned about any blood disorder or disease.
Including leukemia, multiple myeloma or general blood poisoning resulting from impaired pancreatic or liver function.
Red clover is saturated with important nutrients and alkaloids that are successful in the fight against various diseases.
You can get more vitamins from red clover than from any multivitamin nutritional supplement available in stores. If you or your doctor are concerned about the possibility of nutrient deficiencies, drink three cups of red clover tea each day.
It is the best means of mineralizing the body with which you will solve the problem of mineral deficiency, especially molybdenum, manganese, selenium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and B, vitamin cofactors (phytonutrients that medical radars have not yet detected) and much more.
In addition, the alkaloids in red clover work hand-in-hand with its amino acids in the process of breaking down and reducing the levels of unnecessary fats so that the body can eliminate them.
Red clover is one of the best weight loss products available today.
It also energizes the body, which is why it is a star among medicinal herbs for people who feel exhausted, tired or spent.
All this, combined with this plant’s ability to cleanse the body of toxic heavy metals and insecticides such as DDT, makes red clover an indispensable means of survival in the century in which we live.

Who should consume Red clover
Include red clover in your diet if you suffer from any of the following health conditions:
Blood cell disease, B cell disease, leukemia, blood poisoning, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D, blood cell cancer such as multiple myeloma, anemia (including sickle cell disease), liver diseases, exhaustion of the adrenal glands, weak batteries of the reproductive system, allergies, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) / mononucleosis, acne, herpes simplex 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex 2 (HSV-2), infertility, herpes zoster, transient ischemic attack, problems with the ducts of the salivary glands, celiac disease, eczema, psoriasis, Lyme disease.
Include red clover in your diet if you suffer from any of the following symptoms:
High blood pressure, liver stagnation, reduced liver functions, chronic diarrhea, chronic soft stools, constipation, hormonal imbalance, enlarged liver, premenstrual syndrome, menopause symptoms, food allergies, urticaria, rashes, imbalance in blood sugar levels, melancholy, swollen lymph nodes, poor circulation, histamine reactions and sensitivity, dry skin, blood in the urine, calcifications, chemical sensitivity, fungus in the body, brittle nails, tendency to bruise, headaches, poor digestion, weight gain, craving for sweets.
Emotional support
Red clover is ideal for people who live in the past, almost to their own detriment.
When you find yourself trying to relive some old times that you feel nostalgic for because of the joy and satisfaction you felt then, turn to the red clover.
This medicinal plant helps you to bring these positive emotions into the present, so that you can feel joy and satisfaction in your current life.
When you want to purify yourself, drink a cup of red clover tea in the evening.
The healing, purifying properties of this herb will be active during the night to find toxins and prepare them for your liver to process and eliminate early in the morning.
Red clover usually blooms in clusters, producing 5-20 flowers at a time. To get the most out of red clover’s healing effects, connect with its natural rhythms by drinking 1 cup of red clover tea for 5-20 days in a row
There is nothing wrong with drinking this tea for more than 20 days, it is like opening a new cluster of buds.

You can make the best smoothie with fresh fruits, vegetables and superfoods, but it probably won’t have the same powerful regenerating effect as a cup of red clover tea.
Red clover and chamomile tea
When you wake up longing for a new beginning, drink a cup of this floral tea in the morning.
You will notice that the day becomes brighter and more cheerful. red clover tea
2 tablespoons of red clover flowers
1 tablespoon of chamomile flowers
1/4 teaspoon of lavender flowers
Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl.
Boil 4 cups of water.
For every cup of tea, use 1 teaspoon of the mixture of ingredients and 1 cup of hot water.
Soak for 5 minutes or longer.
For a stronger, more healing drink, use 2 teaspoons or 1 tablespoon of the tea mixture per cup.
Red Clover actually takes care of the person who consumes it. Red clover can grow almost anywhere, and it doesn’t care if we step on it – even though we should treat it like a queen. It is a plant that forgives easily and grows happily, vital and tough.
You can mow it, step on it, cut it, but it will still come back again, bringing hope and abundance.
Disclaimer: Content of this website: text, graphics, images and other materials are strictly for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be used as a professional medical diagnosis, advice or replacement treatment. Please ALWAYS seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional with any questions related to or related to your medical condition.