10 Signs Your Body Is Lacking Minerals
Mineral intake is needed for healthy body function. Minerals have a very important role in the human body, especially in the balance of fluids, maintaining the development of teeth, bones, muscles and the functions of the nervous system. If there is a lack of essential minerals, the body will give “warning signs”. Key minerals include chloride, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Trace minerals include iron, zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, iodine, cobalt and fluoride. These trace minerals account for a smaller proportion than the main minerals.
10 Signs Your Body Is Lacking Minerals
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Cause for minerals deficiency
In some people, deficiency occurs because they have to avoid foods that are actually rich in minerals. They may be lactose intolerant, allergic to certain foods, or are on a vegan or vegetarian diet. The risk of mineral deficiency is also increased in the elderly with decreased appetite and people who often eat junk food. You are also prone to experiencing the same thing if you rarely eat vegetables and fruits.
There are also people who have mineral deficiencies because their digestion cannot absorb minerals properly.
Other causes –
disease of the liver, gallbladder, intestines, or kidneys,
alcohol dependence,
taking medications such as antacids and diuretics, and
surgery on the digestive tract.
Meeting daily nutritional needs in a balanced manner is very important so that you can perform activities optimally. If you experience the following signs, it could be that your body lacks minerals.
Here are some common lack of minerals symptoms:

This sign warns your body that you are lacking in magnesium, vitamin B12 or vitamin B6. Foods that help overcome this situation effectively are: pumpkin seeds, bananas, prunes, cashews, mushrooms, soy milk etc..
Lack of fiber and magnesium can make you constipated. To get rid of this problem, you should increase the fiber in your diet from beans, broccoli and apples. Good sources of magnesium can be supplemented with bananas or avocados.
Body Cramps
Often feeling cramps in the body, such as legs, or hands can be a sign of a mineral deficiency. Magnesium and calcium play an important role in muscle movement. You may find frequent leg cramps when these two substances are deficient. To supplement, you should eat more foods like pumpkin seeds, bananas, avocados and milk.
Tiredness or Fatigue
Lack of minerals in the body will definitely make a person feel tired, weak, and lethargic. This could be due to iron deficiency or magnesium deficiency in the body. If you feel very tired and can’t do your daily work, it could be because of a lack of iron which plays an important role for many body functions. Feeling dizzy and tired, especially during PMS, can also be a sign of a magnesium deficiency.
One sign of a mineral deficiency is anemia. Therefore, start paying attention to mineral intake so that the body’s health is maintained. Some of the symptoms of anemia, such as headaches and dizziness, irregular heartbeat, chest pain, and cold in the hands and feet. Some of these symptoms are rarely noticed, but will be felt more and more as the condition of anemia gets worse.
Chapped lips
this is a sign of iron deficiency. This deficiency can also lead to other problems such as thinning hair, weakness, poor immunity… supplement foods rich in iron or vitamin C such as: red meats containing a lot of iron, red peppers, bean products alongwith vitamin C-rich fruits such as lemons, kiwis, strawberries, oranges, tangerines…
White spots on nails, brittle nails
This is a warning sign of zinc or iron deficiency. The body will need to supplement foods rich in iron and iron such as: pork, mushrooms, chicken liver, beans, dried apricots, flaxseeds, pistachios, lentils etc..
Bad breath
Warning your body is iron deficient. Foods rich in iron such as raisins, pears, cereals and red meat will help add iron to the body and reduce symptoms caused by nutritional deficiencies.
Cold limbs
A sign reflecting the body’s iron deficiency. This is a problem related to the lack of red blood cells, anemia in the body.
Weak Immunity
When there is a deficiency of selenium, the body will show signs such as a slowed metabolism, a long healing process, and easy senility. There are also other signs such as hair loss and dryness and a weakened immune system.
Which foods contain minerals?
Minerals can be obtained from eating foods and in some cases doctors recommend taking mineral supplements.
We can provide the necessary minerals for the body by consuming some foods such as:
Foods rich in Ca, P, Mg, K, Na are usually found in green leafy vegetables, fresh vegetables, fruits, milk and dairy products.
Food rich in trace elements I, F, Cu, Co, Mn, Zn are found in meat, fish, eggs, beans, cereals.
Take mineral supplements such as iron and calcium tablets and follow the doctor’s recommendations.
Minerals are indispensable for the body. Although the body only needs a very small amount of each element, any deficiency or excess can make the body weak and inactive. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reasonable diet to balance minerals.
Hope this article helps you understand what minerals are and how they play a role in the body.
FAQs :
Lack of what minerals causes body to muscle cramp?
Muscle cramps are sudden and uncontrollable muscle contractions. They can occur when potassium levels are low in the blood. Inside muscle cells, potassium helps convey signals from the brain that stimulate contraction.
What are the diseases caused by lack of minerals?
Most commons diseases caused by lack of minerals are muscle cramps and joint pain, extreme fatigue, irregular heartbeat, anemia, bloating, nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting
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