Soursop (Graviola) fruit Health benefits and uses
Soursop fruit also known as Graviola is a delicious fruit that contains lots of antioxidants and vitamins that can help boost the immune system. The fruit is rather large with soft blunt spines and many black seeds. It has white flesh and has sweet and sour taste. Graviola is hailed as a miracle elixir. Its popularity as a natural remedy for viruses, pain relief, and even some types of cancer is growing. Keep reading to find out more in Soursop (Graviola) fruit health benefits and uses.
Soursop (Graviola) fruit Health benefits and uses
Soursop fruit has various benefits for our body, especially, it can reduce the risk of various diseases and increase our immunity.
According to Medical New Today, soursop fruit is rich in nutrients, minerals such as calcium, iron and magnesium which are beneficial for the body and can also boost the immune system.
How to use :
For treatment it is recommended to make a concoction. 7 to 8 pieces of dark green soursop leaves are to be boiled with 3 cups of water. Cool and then filter it and drink every morning and evening. The effect is that the stomach will feel warm or hot and then the body sweats profusely. After 3-4 weeks the benefits will appear, the patient’s condition gradually improves, and he can return to his activities. Remember there are no side effects and is very safe.
Meanwhile, for prevention, it is recommended to eat ripe soursop fruit or in pure juice form without other additives.
Although it has potential as a miracle drug, before adding soursop leaves to your daily menu, consult your doctor first. The reason is, long-term use of graviola supplements can cause kidney, liver, or nerve problems, such as Parkinson’s disease.

Benefits of soursop (graviola) fruit for health:
Can cure cancer
Graviola tree fruit is very potential as a miracle natural killer against cancer cells, which is 1000 times more powerful than chemo therapy. The leaves contain an anti-cancer substance called Annonaceous Acetogenin. The substance can kill cancer cells without disturbing the cells in the human body..
Can kill free radicals
The high antioxidant content in soursop can kill free radicals in the body. The loss of free radicals from the body will prevent cancer, heart disease and diabetes. One test-tube study tested the antioxidant properties of soursop and found that it was able to effectively protect against damage caused by free radicals. In addition, soursop fruit extract can also prevent cell damage. You can consume regularly by eating directly or in juice form.
Can kill bacteria
The human body is susceptible to the presence of bacteria that can damage digestion and the immune system. By consuming soursop fruit regularly you will avoid bacterial diseases such as gingivitis, tooth decay and fungal infections.
Can Regulate Blood Sugar
For those of you or your family members who have high blood sugar levels, it’s a good idea to start regularly consuming this soursop fruit. The content of potassium in soursop can regulate sugar levels in the body and can improve heart problems. You can consume it as a juice.
Can Reduce Inflammation
Inflammation is a normal immune response to injury, but growing evidence suggests that chronic inflammation can contribute to disease. By consuming soursop fruit or soursop extract you can reduce swelling due to inflammation. This has been proven by animal studies and is safe for human consumption. You can consume soursop by eating it directly.
Can Reduce Stress
If you are experiencing stress due to a pile of work or many things that you can’t finish, it’s a good idea to take a break and eat soursop directly. You can also consume warm soursop tea, so you will be more relaxed and avoid insomnia.
Soursop can also aid in curing :
- Backache
- Diarrhea in babies
- Hemorrhoids
- Boils
- Urinary bladder problems
- Eczema and Rheumatism
- Cataracts
Side effects and risks of consuming Soursop
Graviola can cause nerve damage and movement problems, especially with long-term use. It can also cause serious neuropathy leading to Parkinson’s-like symptoms, such as tremors or muscle stiffness. If a person has Parkinson’s disease, graviola can make their symptoms worse.
Graviola may be toxic to the kidneys or liver with repeated use. People should not use graviola if they have liver or kidney problems.
Those considering using graviola should also talk to their doctor before use if they:
“have high blood pressure or take blood pressure medication, have diabetes, are pregnant, are breastfeeding”
Although graviola has been shown to be effective against several conditions in animal studies, there have been few human studies on graviola.
Users have offered anecdotal evidence, but more human studies are needed before researchers can say that graviola is effective in treating any condition.