Top Health Benefits Of Tofu
Tofu is one of the most effective low-calorie diet menus because of its carbohydrate content and low calories. And most importantly, containing about 80% unsaturated fatty acids, tofu does not contain much cholesterol, and is very safe for heart health. Due to the high nutritional content, tofu has many health benefits. Here are some of Top health benefits of tofu for the human body:
Top Health Benefits of Tofu
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Good for cardiovascular health
Proper food intake plays a very important role in maintaining heart health. Regular consumption of tofu can lower cholesterol and saturated fat levels in the body, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It helps lower LDL (bad cholesterol) without lowering HDL (good cholesterol), leading to a reduced risk of heart disease.
Patients with kidney problems due to diabetes
Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure with early signs of protein in the urine. A study of men with type 2 diabetes, all of whom were diagnosed with diabetes-related kidney disease, found that soy protein decreased 10 percent of the protein found in urine.
Reduce the risk of cancer
Tofu contains isoflavone compounds that can help reduce the risk of cancer. Isoflavones are substances that are commonly found in processed soy foods. Isoflavones are often also called phytoestrogens. This substance is a type of flavonoid that protects the body from toxins. The selenium content in tofu is able to protect your body from free radicals and can also minimize the risk of colon cancer. In addition, the isoflavones in tofu can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.
Good for Menopausal Women
During menopause, a woman’s estrogen fluctuates, either rising or falling below normal levels. Phytoestrogens are very useful to help maintain the balance of these hormones. This can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes in postmenopausal women.

Helps lose weight
The high protein content in tofu, can make the stomach not feel hungry quickly. Also, its low-calorie nature (about 80 calories in 100 grams) does not add extra calories to your diet.
Prevent Anaemia
The health benefits of tofu include reducing the risk of anaemia. A study conducted in China that investigated the relationship between anaemia and tofu showed that tofu was shown to reduce the risk of anaemia in adults. Tofu is a food rich in iron. Iron is a very important element for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and plays a role in the process of energy formation. Iron deficiency can cause anaemia. The habit of consuming tofu can meet the need for iron and help prevent anaemia.
Prevent Osteoporosis
Tofu can also be a rich source of calcium. However it depends on the coagulant used in the manufacture (such as the calcium sulfate used by ahu manufacturers). It is very helpful in protecting against diseases such as bone loss, bone weakness, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis.
New research also shows that isoflavones in soy foods, can strengthen bone density. For those who have entered old age, tofu can be used in the daily menu to prevent osteoporosis. This could also make tofu useful in warding off bone disease in postmenopausal women.
Increase energy production
Tofu is a rich source of iron, providing 30 percent of the daily recommended value of iron in 100 grams. The iron in tofu is mainly used as part of hemoglobin which can assist in the transportation and release of oxygen throughout the body to promote energy production.
Tofu also provides 10 percent of the recommended daily value of copper, an important mineral used in red blood cells. Copper also helps in reducing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Foods derived from soy, such as tofu contain isoflavones (phytoestrogens or estrogens) which act on the body like a form of estrogen.
Good source of protein
The human body needs protein to function properly. Protein can not only be obtained from meat, we can get a lot of vegetable protein such as from tofu. Vegetarians can get the right amount of protein from tofu, or soy products and other vegetables. It also contains amino acids needed for optimal health. Consuming red meat can have health implications that can lead to various diseases. However, by consuming tofu, this condition can be avoided.
Improves Skin elasticity
Isoflavones can significantly reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity. Minerals, vitamins, and proteins in tofu help maintain the elasticity of your skin and prevents aging.
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