
Foods To Be Avoided By Diabetic Patients

Diabetics should avoid unhealthy foods to protect their health. Here are 13 foods that people with diabetes should not eat or eat in moderation to ensure stable sugar levels to help patients achieve long-term good health.

Causes of Diabetes

Diabetes generally occurs due to high levels of sugar in the blood, which is the result of consuming excessive macro-nutrients. Other causes of diabetes include:

  • Genetic Factors
  • Age factor
  • Lack of nutrients in the body
  • Too much consumption of excess sugar & salty food
  • Overweight
  • Lazy to move
  • Too much consumption of drugs that can increase the risk of diabetes

Foods To Be Avoided By Diabetic Patients

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The following are foods that diabetics must avoid so that blood sugar levels do not spike and worsen the condition.

Dried fruit:

Dried fruit is widely consumed because it lasts longer and the price is also more affordable. Unfortunately, dried fruit is a dietary taboo for diabetics. Dried fruit has a fairly high sugar content due to the drying process it goes through. Even though the fruit already has a sugar content that is not small. So, you can imagine, high levels of sugar in the blood after you eat dried fruit. In addition, the fruit drying process is also able to reduce the nutrients in it, so you should reduce the consumption of this one food.

White rice:

White rice can make diabetes worse because it makes the patient’s sugar increase rapidly. Therefore, people with diabetes should eat brown rice, instead or grains because they do not increase blood sugar.


Mango fruit has a fairly high sugar content, so it easily triggers the rise/recurrence of diabetes in the body.


Grapes are also the type of fruit that should be avoided for people with diabetes. Although grapes are rich in fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients, they can worsen the health conditions of people with diabetes.


For those of you with diabetes who like to consume bottled chili sauce and tomato sauce, you should be careful. Although both types of sauce are delicious, they contain high sugar content which can trigger an increase in blood sugar levels. It’s a good idea to make your own sauce at home using fresh chilies and onions and other, more natural ingredients.


In addition to having a lot of water content, it turns out that the sugar content in watermelon is quite high. So it is not recommended for people with diabetes to consume watermelon.

Foods containing Trans Fats

Trans fats can promote insulin resistance. Trans fats can also reduce good cholesterol and increase the risk of blood vessel damage. Blood sugar can rise due to the combination of high carbohydrates and cooking oil.

Fries, french fries, and packaged potato chips. Food with preservatives, margarine, and jams also have a fairly high content of trans fat.

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Carbohydrates and Wheat Flour-Based Foods

Pasta, and bread are examples of simple carbohydrates that are quickly digested and absorbed by the body to become sugar. So these foods should not be consumed too often and in large portions by people with diabetes.

Granola Bar

Although it is considered a healthy food and is usually used as an alternative snack for people who are on a diet program, it turns out that granola bars have a fairly high carbohydrate content of 25 to 30 grams.

The fiber and protein content in granola is also quite low. Better, make your own granola bar at home and adjust the dose that is right for diabetics.


There are many types of jams such as fruit, nuts, or chocolate. In jams that claim to use fresh fruit, usually what is used is the juice from the fruit and added sugar.

The content of carbohydrates per serving in jam is also quite a lot, can reach 15 grams per tablespoon.

If you still want to use jam for breakfast every morning, you have to switch to less sugar or even sugar free jam so that blood sugar levels in the body do not increase.

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Fizzy Drinks

Fizzy drinks contain a lot of sugar. Usually soda drinks contain no less than 10 grams of sugar. Not only that, the carbohydrates in soda are also quite high.

If you still want a sweet drink with a soda sensation, try switching to a soda that is sugar, calories and carbs free.

Packaged Juice

Fruit juice is good for health and can be consumed by diabetics. However, packaged juices usually only contain a few percent fruit and the rest is a mixture of water and too much sugar.

The danger is, usually packaged juices are also added with artificial flavors so that they taste like fresh fruit and you don’t know the difference.

To be safe, it’s better to make your own juice at home or buy fresh fruit juices that don’t use artificial sweeteners.


Just like sodas, it’s clear that candy contains a lot of sugar. Not only sugar, the carbohydrate content in this one snack is also quite high.

As a substitute for candy for a sweet snack, you can try consuming dark chocolate. Because the carbohydrate content is not as high as candy and the nutritional content in chocolate is also much healthier compared to candy.

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