
How To Increase Platelet Count In Dengue Fever

Platelets are small blood cells produced in the bone marrow. Platelets are an important factor in hemostasis. When the number of platelets in the blood decreases, bleeding (hemorrhage) occurs. Thrombocytopenia is a common complication in patients with dengue fever. When there is a decrease in platelets, the patient’s ability to clot and fight infections will decrease, the patient may have nosebleeds, bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and possibly even death complications. death. So how to increase platelet count in dengue fever?

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How to increase platelet count in dengue fever?

The average platelets in the blood of a healthy person are about 150,000-450,000 per microliter of blood (one millionth of a liter). Patients are considered to have thrombocytopenia in the blood when the platelet count is less than 150,000. The dangerous level in thrombocytopenia is down to 50,000, however, this year’s dengue epidemic has recorded many patients with severe thrombocytopenia (<10,000 – 20,000 platelets/microliter). When having thrombocytopenia, depending on the severity, the doctor will prescribe a reasonable treatment method.

Platelets are components in the blood that help the body avoid losing a lot of blood when injured. Platelets help stop bleeding by forming blood clots. This is a type of blood cell that sticks together at areas where blood vessels are damaged or broken, leading to the formation of blood clots. Although there are medications that increase platelet count, you can also increase your platelet count naturally without medication.

And in this article, we show you how to increase your platelet count naturally beyond the medications you are prescribed. Here are the common foods to increase platelets naturally.

Symptoms of low platelet count include: nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or gastrointestinal bleeding. Excessive bleeding from a minor wound can also be a manifestation of thrombocytopenia. There are many factors that affect platelet counts, such as drinking too much alcohol, genetic factors, or taking certain medications that can cause a low platelet count.

Women can be affected from heavy menstrual bleeding.

In addition, people with this condition may experience weakness and fatigue.

Some of the causes that can lead to increased/decreased platelet count are cancer, liver disease, leukemia, anemia, exposure to toxic chemicals, pregnancy, chemotherapy drugs, heavy drinking, vitamin B12 deficiency.

Here are the common foods to increase platelets naturally without medication.

Papaya Leaf Juice

How To Increase Platelet Count In Dengue Fever

Drink papaya leaf juice: Enzymes present in papaya leaves increase platelet count, improve clotting factors and reverse viral liver damage.


Drinking a cup of berry juice a day helps to increase the platelet count in dengue fever. Berries are rich in antioxidants, so they help neutralize free radicals and help the body increase platelet production.


This is one of the foods that help improve the condition of reduced blood platelets. Dates are rich in iron and other essential nutrients that help increase platelet counts naturally.

Pomegranate seeds

Superfood: Pomegranate

When it comes to natural ways to increase platelet count, pomegranate seeds are very helpful. In addition to helping to increase platelets, pomegranates are rich in vitamins, which help you strengthen your resistance. It also helps you fight low platelet-related illnesses like dengue fever.


Spinach is rich in fiber and vitamin K. Vitamin K is an essential ingredient for keeping cell growth at optimal levels in the body. Vitamin K acts as a protein activator that stimulates the formation of blood clots and stops bleeding.


Beets are rich in potassium, magnesium and iron, vitamins B6, A, C, nitrate… With each drink of beetroot and carrot juice, twice a week you will see miracles happen. These are common foods to increase platelet count. It can be eaten in many ways. You can eat it raw as a salad or you can cook it without peeling to retain all the nutrients in it. You can also make a juice and drink it regularly to increase platelets.


Eating apricots is a natural way to increase the platelet count in the body. Apricots are rich in iron and you should eat a bowl of apricots at least twice a day.


Eat tomatoes or drink tomato juice: Lycopene in tomatoes can help increase platelet count. Vitamin A helps support platelet growth and regulate proteins produced by cells.


Guava is rich in vitamin C which functions to strengthen the immune system. Therefore, consuming guava can increase metabolism and immunity and reduce the risk of disease.

Vitamin C supplementation improves platelet count

Supplement with vitamin B12 and folic acid: Vitamin B12 and folic acid are two nutrients needed for the production of many factors in the blood, including platelets. Some foods rich in B12 and folic acid such as spinach, citrus fruits, milk, etc.

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Food groups to include in your diet

Foods Rich in Vitamin C

Consuming foods with high vitamin C content can help increase platelet count in the body. Vitamin C has antioxidant properties. You must meet your daily vitamin C requirement of 400-2000 mg by eating foods like oranges, spinach, broccoli, etc.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

These foods include flaxseeds, walnuts, fish, and spinach. These foods help strengthen the immune system as well as the platelet levels in the blood. Therefore, consuming more of these foods helps to overcome low platelet levels.

Foods Rich in Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant-Rich

A diet rich in these substances supports blood production. Therefore, you must increase your intake of vegetables, whole grains, organic beans, etc.

Antioxidant-rich foods are known to help neutralize damaging free radicals and thus help deal with low platelet counts.

Foods rich in folate

A deficiency of these substances can reduce the amount of platelets in the blood. Therefore, you should follow a folate-rich diet. Folate is needed for healthy cell division in the body.

Foods rich in folate are asparagus, whole grains, oranges, and spinach. These are some of the best foods to increase platelet count.

Foods rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is needed to keep platelets healthy. This vitamin is essential for the formation of proteins in the body. Healthy protein can help with cell division and cell growth. The top vitamin A-rich foods include pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.

Vitamin B12

A deficiency in Vitamin B12 can contribute to low blood platelet counts. Therefore, you should add vitamin B12 foods to your diet. This is considered a great way to increase the platelet count in the blood naturally. Some of the best foods you can buy are salmon, beef, chicken, tuna, turkey…

Foods rich in amino acids

Foods rich in amino acids can help increase platelets. Amino acids are beneficial for thrombus formation, which is the body’s process of creating new blood cells in the body.

Foods Rich in Vitamin K

These foods are essential for maximum cell growth in the body. Platelets only last for 10 days and then healthy platelets need to be produced to replace the lost cells. Foods high in vitamin K are liver, kale, and eggs.

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Severe cases of thrombocytopenia

If you have severe thrombocytopenia, you must go to the hospital to be examined and treated by a doctor:

Platelet transfusion in the following cases:

Thrombocytopenia <20,000/mm3 due to marrow failure.

Consumption-induced thrombocytopenia, extracorporeal circulation, disseminated intravascular coagulation, surgical bleeding greater than one blood volume, and platelets <50,000.

Platelets in the range of 10,000-50,000/mm3 are at risk of bleeding during trauma or invasive procedures, spontaneous bleeding or after procedures, liver disease causing platelet dysfunction can bleed naturally at this platelet level.

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