
Food Selection According To Age

It is a known fact that food, whether savoury or sweet, everyone is interested in it, but how many people really care or make the meals according to their age group (20-30yrs, 30-40yrs, 50yrs and above). Did you know that each age range is different in terms of body development, growth and requirements. In this article, we will look at some tips on food selection according to age groups.

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We are all aware that to maintain a healthy lifestyle, we have to turn to eating healthy food in our daily life, such as consuming fruits and vegetables every day. We need to choose fruits and vegetables of different colours, because the body receives dietary fiber, phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties such as lycopene in tomatoes, carotenoids in carrots and chlorophyll in green leafy vegetables.

Food selection according to age

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Food selection according to age is beneficial and valuable to the body. It also helps to maintain our appearance, beauty and over-all well-being. Therefore,  we should pay close attention to choose food according to the age group we fall into. Here are some tips for food selection according to the four age ranges, which are not difficult to follow.

Food selection for age range 20 to 30

Food selection according to age

The age range from 20 to 30 years is the period when the body is fully developed and mature. Whether it’s about studying, working and being an age that lives life on the go. The more movement in everyday life, the more your body burns and uses energy, so you should choose the right foods –

Choose to eat meat and various nuts, including rice and flour,

Followed by fruits and vegetables

Calcium fortified soy milk

Next is the milk and other calcium substitutes such as tofu, small fish.

Food containing fat should be last in the list, however do not avoid it.

Include fish as it is brain food that helps maintain healthy nerve cell walls in the brain which improves your memory.

Also yellow fruits and vegetables such as bananas are considered a stress reliever.

Food selection for age range 30 to 40

At the age of 30, many people start to panic. But knowing how to eat well will make others difficult to guess your age based on your appearance. During the onset of adulthood, the need for energy remains, because it is the working life age. But you need to be careful in terms of fat and cholesterol, that can affect the appearance and energy levels. It also affects the health of the body in the future. Eating foods that contain fat or high cholesterol, such as cheese, coconut milk, margarine, etc., will cause problems in the blood vessels and heart.

You can choose to eat foods that lower fat and cholesterol, such as fish, which can help lower blood pressure.

Dried beans such as red beans, mung beans, soybeans reduce the risk of heart disease.

High protein to provide energy. Brown rice and whole wheat bread are high in fiber, which help to keep you full for longer and is good for the intestinal system.

Food selection according to age

Food selection for age range 40 to 50

By the age of  40 years, the body condition starts to change, especially for women. As for men of this age, they will begin to have various diseases that never show symptoms.

For this age, energy needs are reduced. But the need for calcium and various vitamins increases, which are obtained from fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. The body also needs antioxidants such as vitamin C from foods that are easily available such as oranges, guavas, tomatoes, berries. Foods rich in vitamin E include vegetable oils, peanut butter, peanuts, almonds.

In addition, tofu should be eaten, low-fat protein which provides more calcium than other meats.

But do not forget to avoid foods that accelerate aging faster, such as high-fat foods.

Avoid crispy type or use of lot of oil, alcohol and caffeinated beverages

Food selection for age beyond 50

Going into your 50s doesn’t just affect your body, but also affects the mental state as well. To prepare for this age, you should understand how the body functions with reduced efficiency, especially the digestive system and the absorption of food causing the body to lack certain nutrients.

Food selection according to age

You may not feel thirsty often, but you should drink water regularly. At least 8-12 glasses a day to prevent dehydration.

You should eat less carbohydrates

Focus on fish foods to avoid protein deficiencies. The important thing is that it is easily digestible meat.

This age will have osteoporosis problems. Bones are clearly brittle, so you should get enough calcium.

Foods high in calcium are  milk, creamy yogurt, cheese, small fish.

Green leafy vegetables, such as kale and broccoli, can help reduce serious bone problems.

The solution to dehydration may be to drink herbal water such as mint, basil, lemon juice in addition to plain water. because it helps alleviate some diseases and is more beneficial than drinking caffeinated beverages

It is important that no matter what age you are, you should be supervising your diet at all times. whether you have any  disease or not. Because most people tend to take care only when they find themselves suffering from a disease or health problem. In addition, increasing the number of active activities during the day, doing it often until it becomes a habit, will help to be more healthy.

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