
Incredible Benefits of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus plant grows in Australia and Tasmania. It can be used in different ways. For example, as eucalyptus oil or eucalyptus tea. The eucalyptus does have health benefits in every form. In addition, eucalyptus oil is an essential oil. Essential oils have many advantages. In this article we are going to talk about all the incredible benefits of eucalyptus for health and wellness.

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Benefits of Eucalyptus

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Eucalyptus is anti-inflammatory

Eucalyptus is one of the natural anti-inflammatories. This also applies to eucalyptus oil and eucalyptus tea.

Oral intake of the eucalyptus, for example in the form of eucalyptus tea can help with the following inflammations:

larynx, sinus inflammation, tonsillitis, gum infection, bronchitis, cystitis, urinary tube inflammation and vaginitis, croup, rhinitis, gastric mucosa, intestinal mucosa and strep throat.

External use of the eucalyptus, in the form of eucalyptus oil can help with the following inflammation:

larynx inflammation, sinus inflammation, tonsillitis, inflammation, bronchitis and ear infection.

Eucalyptus is a natural painkiller

Eucalyptus can reduce all kinds of pain when used internally and externally. Eucalyptus tea, for example, has a positive and pain-reducing effect specially in sore throat and all sorts of other pain due to inflammation. The analgesic effect is also due to the fact that eucalyptus is an anti-inflammatory and can be used for external pain such as muscle pain, joint pain due to rheumatoid arthritis, headache, kidney stones. It can also be used as a painkiller for sun burns. In addition to the analgesic effect, it also helps to speed up the healing process.

Eucalyptus oil is great for the skin

Eucalyptus oil is a very good for your skin. It has strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. As a result, it can be used in skin conditions such as shingles, acne, eczema, psoriasis, pimples, herpes, chickenpox and also in small cuts and wounds. To take advantage of this benefit, you can take a bath with a few drops of eucalyptus. But it helps even more effectively if you make massage oil. For this, you need eucalyptus oil and apple cider vinegar. Mix both in equal quantities. This mixture can be used as a massage oil and as a cream  to smear on your skin in all the affected skin areas.

Eucalyptus is good for digestion

Eucalyptus promotes digestion. It also improves appetite. Eucalyptus improves the degree to which the diet can be absorbed by stimulating the production of digestive juices.

Are you suffering from diarrhea? Stopping diarrhea is also one of the properties of eucalyptus oil. Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil on your stomach and massage it anti-clockwise. It will stop your diarrhea and also give relief from infections and inflammation.

Eucalyptus oil is useful for Colds, coughs and flu

Eucalyptus oil, like other essential oils, is absorbed very quickly by the body and has strong antibacterial properties. This can help very quickly with a stuffy nose, cough, flu and cold. You will immediately see improvement after a tasty cup of eucalyptus tea. If you’re not a tea lover, you can also take steam with eucalyptus oil. You need to boil some water, pour it into a bowl and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Then you have to sit with your head above it and cover your head with a cloth or towel. This way, all the vapor will reach your face. This will cause the mucus in your nose and throat to get loose. Due to the antibacterial effect of the oil, it will also destroy all bacteria and infections.

Eucalyptus for the mouth and teeth

Do you suffer from bad breath? Thanks to the antibacterial properties of eucalyptus, it can certainly come to your aid! Eucalyptus tea leaves a fresh taste, cleans the entire mouth and teeth and is a natural treatment for dental plaque. Furthermore, it also helps with ulcers and irritated gums. So use eucalyptus tea and eucalyptus oil to keep your teeth in perfect condition.

Eucalyptus oil is useful for asthma

The eucalyptus oil is also useful for people who have asthma. Eucalyptus oil promotes breathing. The moment you have difficulty in breathing, you can inhale the oil or do steam inhalation. It will provide immediate improvement. Doesn’t this help enough? Then you can massage a few more drops of eucalyptus oil on your chest.

Eucalyptus oil is useful against head lice

There are all kinds of shampoos and other means to fight head lice. However, most will contain chemicals, which will not be healthy at all and in the worst case may even irritate the skin. Fortunately, there is a healthy and natural alternative. Eucalyptus oil is an excellent agent against head lice without any side effects. Eucalyptus oil is a natural pesticide.

It’s very easy to make a eucalyptus shampoo.

Mix 30 ml plain (preferably a neutral) shampoo with 3 ml of eucalyptus oil. Then apply it to your wet scalp. Cover it with a shower cap or something and let it work for 15 minutes. Finally, wash your scalp and dry it with a towel. You can then comb your hair with a fine comb.

Eucalyptus oil is very useful for hair loss problem

In addition to fighting eucalyptus oil head lice, it is also very healthy for your scalp. Eucalyptus oil hydrates your scalp. In addition, it stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth again. This is partly because eucalyptus oil improves circulation on your scalp.

Do you want to stop hair loss? then you can use eucalyptus oil. Since hair growth is very slow, it is important that you do it regularly. The first results of hair growth are only visible after about six months.

Eucalyptus oil is healthy for the Scalp

Eucalyptus oil has even more benefits for your scalp. It helps against itchy scalp. Of course, all kinds of products are in the market for this. Eucalyptus oil provides a very good and healthy treatment for an itchy scalp. Make a mixture with 1 litre of water, 50 ml white vinegar and 5 ml of eucalyptus oil. Then wash your hair with it and make sure you put it on the itchy places. Then just take a shower and wash your hair as always.

In addition, you can make a mixture of 5 ml of eucalyptus oil with 50 ml of warm olive oil to thicken your hair and give it a nice shine. This warm/lukewarm solution should be applied to your scalp and let it work for 10 minutes. It stimulates blood flow to the hair roots. Wash your hair well with shampoo and possibly a conditioner. Try to do it up to 1 to 2 times a week. However,  if you do it too often it can have the opposite effect.

How do you prepare eucalyptus tea?

Now that you know that eucalyptus tea has so many health benefits, you would want to know how to prepare it. It is very simple. Warm water first, then add a few eucalyptus leaves. Wait 15 minutes for the medicinal substances of the eucalyptus leaves to come out and then enjoy your eucalyptus tea.

How much eucalyptus should you use?

It is very important that you do not use eucalyptus products too often. Eucalyptus tea can be used 2-3 times a day. Eucalyptus oil can also be used daily. However, you should dilute it well before you use it on your skin or anywhere else. If you do not do this, there could be some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and stomach disorders. Therefore, make sure that you dilute it properly and that you do not use it in excess.

Other facts about eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a natural pesticide. Mix a few drops of eucalyptus with a bottle of water and your natural pesticide is ready for use. Spray this in your room to keep mosquitoes and insects at bay.

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