
6 Tips To Increase Male Fertility

Every man should know how lifestyle factors can influence sperm quality. They should also know what to do to improve male fertility as well as factors that can affect testosterone hormones in sperm. In this article, we bring to you 6 Tips to increase male fertility.

Before I share about how to improve male fertility, take a look first about the characteristics of healthy sperm.

See also :

What are the best Sperm Features?

The quantity, quality and motility of sperm indicates male fertility levels.

Do you have the best sperm features???

You just find out by doing the check up.

Your sperm must have below qualities:

Quantity – contains over 15 million sperm per milliliter.

Healthy sperm is the benchmark of male fertility

Quality – normal sperm has a long form of oval head and tail. Having more sperm with normal and structured forms, the more likely a person is fertile.

Healthy sperm will increase male fertility

Movement – to reach and penetrate eggs, sperm must move, swimming through the cervix (neck of the uterus) of the female, uterus and fallopian tubes. This is known as motility. You’re probably the most fertile if over 40 percent of your sperm is moving.

6 Tips To Increase Male Fertility

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  1. Proper Nutrition and diet

If you want to be fertile, do not eat according to what you want, but eat according to what you know increases your fertility levels.

Try to choose vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants, vitamin C, B12, and minerals such as selenium, zinc and copper.

Proper nutrition is very closely related to male fertility.

  1. Keep your weight balanced

Make sure you have the ideal weight that fits your height. Weight gain greatly affects male testosterone levels. There are studies suggesting that obesity negatively affects the quality of sperm, reducing the number of sperm and sperm movements.

To increase male fertility, be sure to gain the ideal weight.

  1. Manage the Stress levels

Working men are undoubtedly under a lot of pressure at work. Make sure you manage the stress and get enough sleep.

Stress reduces sexual function and interferes with the hormones needed to produce sperm. Do not take certain pills to reduce stress because it interferes with fertility especially those that contain steroids or drugs.

Spiritual practices are very helpful to reduce this stress.

You can take additional Complex Vitamin B and Vitamin C as a health supplement.

  1. Move your body

Do a lot of movement activity so that your body is healthy. Try to climb stairs versus elevators, park the car away from the place you intend to visit and many other ways you can think of to maximize your body’s movements. If you move, you’re healthy.

  1. Avoid tight clothing

Do not wear tight clothing especially underwear. It affects the sperm health. This factor is related to excessive hot exposure.

If you sleep, try not to wear underwear. Avoid also frequent bathing in hot tubs or placing laptops on your thighs.

  1. Take Supplements

It’s hard to eat ‘what you know’, because ‘want’ it overcomes ‘know’, take supplements or supplements that increase male fertility. Make sure it is a natural product.

You know you need to eat certain dishes to increase male fertility, but due to certain factors such as laziness, time constraints etc., you end up ignoring healthy eating.

Vitamins And Minerals Needed For Male Fertility

There are some essential vitamins and minerals for male fertility. A man needs to know it so that the process to reach that level of fertility goes well.

Vitamins that need to be prioritized are vitamins that act as antioxidants such as Vitamin E, Vitamin C, B12, Carotenoids (vitamin A) and Coenzyme Q10.

All these vitamins act as antioxidants to fight free radicals. This is important for male fertility.

Vitamin E improves the health and mortality of male sperm. Food sources containing Vitamin E are sunflower seeds, almonds, olive fruit, spinach and dark green vegetables. Add these foods in your daily diet.

Vitamin C can improve sperm quality and protect Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from damage. It also prevents sperm from clustering and makes it more forward and faster.

In your daily diet, you can include the following food sources: red chillies, cranberries, cabbages, potatoes, tomatoes and citrus fruits.

CoQ10, on the other hand, reduces the oxidative stress that has been proven to create a healthier environment for increasing the quantity, quality and movement of sperm.

B12 is one of the members inside the complex B. It also helps to produce lush sperm. Moreover, B12 is also important to help a man reduce feeling of stress which is one of the causes of male infertility.

Important minerals are zinc and selenium

Zinc is a very important mineral for male fertility and it is capable of increasing testosterone hormones to good levels.

In the daily diet, zinc can be obtained through oysters, meat, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, turkey, green beans and prawns.

While selenium is required to produce sperm. Studies showed men of fewer sperm content were also found to have low selenium content. It is also important to help the body absorb vitamin E.

It is available through salmon fish, tuna, code fish, mushroom buttons and prawns.

Moreover, Omega 3 fatty acids also help improve male fertility.

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