
Top Foods For Healthy Eyesight

When we talk about maintaining a healthy body, many people care about the heart, bones and brain health. But as we get older, it is important that our eyes are healthy as well. With aging, some eye-related health problems begin to appear, including poor vision, cataracts, and night vision problems. There are many nutrients that help protect the eye and strengthen vision including beta-carotene, vitamin C, omega-3, fatty acids, and vitamin E. Here are some top foods for healthy eyesight.

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Top foods for healthy eyesight

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Carrots contain beta-carotene as an essential ingredient, which helps reduce the chances of eye diseases such as cataracts. Carrots can be eaten daily during salads, soups or as a snack between meals.


The antioxidants contained in spinach protect against eye damage caused due to harmful sun rays, cigarette smoke and air pollution, and these leafy vegetables contain a high percentage of the two best eye health substances, lutein and zeaxanthin.

Leafy vegetables

Leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, watercress and others contain lutein, which helps prevent cell damage. Eating leafy vegetables regularly in your diet protects the retina from damage. Leafy vegetables are the basis for preparing healthy salads.

Top Foods For Healthy Eyesight


Dates contain many important minerals, including calcium and potassium, and a high percentage of phosphorus. Dates maintain the luster of the eye, and preserve eye moisture because it contains a high amount of vitamin A. It helps strengthen vision and treat night blindness, dry eyes and other eye diseases.


Sardines, tuna, mackerel, and salmon are oily fish rich in huge quantities of fatty acids and omega-3. It helps protect the small blood vessels in the eye, and eating fish regularly helps avoid eye infections. According to some research, people who take omega-3 food sources in their diets have been shown to be the least likely to develop vision-related problems with age.


Eggs are a rich source of nutrients such as vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin A, all of which help protect the eye from exposure to UV radiation and vision problems. Eggs contain especially lutein and zeaxanthin – two substances that can minimize the risk of macular degeneration of the elderly .Researchers have confirmed that people who eat eggs on a daily basis have a lower chance of developing cataracts.


Broccoli not only strengthens the heart and prevents cancer, but also helps protect the eye. Broccoli contains vitamin B2 which helps reduce blurred vision, eye strain, dry eyes. Vitamin B2 deficiency can make the eyes sensitive to light, which can cause inflammation, blurred vision, dry eyes and eye fatigue. Vitamin B2 also plays a role in preventing cataracts or delaying cataracts due to age.

Broccoli also contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin, and vitamin A which is essential for healthy vision. For maximum nutritional benefits, eat raw broccoli such as salad mix or blends.


Papaya contains many essential vitamins to help keep the eyes healthy.

Papaya is rich in vitamin C, B, potassium, magnesium, fiber etc which is good for the digestive system that both strengthens resistance and protects the eyes. In particular, fruits with abundant vitamin C content has been proven to help reduce the risk of dangerous eye diseases such as cataracts.


Strawberries containing vitamin C are antioxidants that help keep the eyes healthy. Strawberries contain an abundance of vitamin C that helps protect the eyes from inflammatory disease. The various antioxidants contained in strawberries can help prevent eye problems such as dry eyes, macular degeneration and vision impairment. Eating strawberries daily can reduce the likelihood of age-related eye problems.


Almonds are generally useful for eye health as they contain good amount of vitamin E. Eating one handful of almonds provides the body with the necessary daily dose of vitamin E. Regular consumption of good amounts of vitamin E can help prevent age-related macular degeneration as well as cataracts.

Wheat Germ

Wheat germ is the rich part of the vitamins and minerals of wheat kernels. It also helps reduce the development of cataracts.

Dairy products

Dairy products such as milk and yogurt can be good for the eyes, because they contain vitamins A as well as mineral zinc.

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In addition to a full diet, it is necessary to combine a reasonable working regime, do not sit too long in front of the computer, sleep enough 7-8 hours a day. In addition, it is necessary to have an eye exam every 6 months or once a year to detect and promptly treat eye diseases.

With a balanced, nutritious, reasonable diet is the basis for having a healthy eyes as well as preventing the risks that lead to eye diseases.

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