
Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are swelling of venous veins that make them clearly visible on the surface of the skin. Sometimes, the pain will appear in the affected part of the body and if not treated immediately, the pain can get worse. In this article, I bring to you some home remedies to get rid of varicose veins in the legs.

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It should be noted that there are some factors that increase the likelihood and risk of varicose veins, some of which are:

Aging: With age, the valves in the veins may be corrosive and this corrosion may allow the valves to re-flow some blood into the veins and gather in them instead of flowing to the heart as normal.

Hormonal changes: Women are therefore more likely to have varicose veins because of constant hormonal changes, whether during pregnancy or menopause, or if they are taking hormonal treatments such as pills.

Obesity: In addition to the many drawbacks of obesity and weight gain on many levels, they may also increase the risk of varicose veins as excess weight increases pressure on the veins in the legs leading to the appearance of varicose veins.

Genetic role: The risk of varicose veins increases when there is a family history of developing it.

Home remedies to get rid of varicose veins

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Change your diet

Eating salty foods can make the body hold water excessively. Therefore, reducing the consumption of salty foods can reduce the excess fluid held by the body. Foods rich in potassium content can help the body not to hold too much fluid. You can consume:

  • Almonds and pistachios and other nuts
  • Potato
  • Green vegetables
  • fish such as salmon and tuna

In addition, consume foods that contain a lot of fiber. Because, these foods can help prevent constipation, which can trigger damage to blood vessels. Foods rich in fiber that you can consume include:

  • Nuts
  • Grains
  • Foods made from wheat

People who are overweight are also at higher risk for varicose veins. Therefore, reducing weight can help reduce the pressure received by blood vessels and prevent swelling.

Sports and Exercise

Regular exercise can make blood circulation in the legs become smoother so that the swelling of the veins slowly deflates. Exercise can also help to lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the risk factors for the formation of varicose veins. Light exercise can help strengthen the calf muscles so as to prevent the formation of new varicose veins in the legs. The types of exercises you can do include walking, swimming, cycling, and yoga.

Uses compression stockings

Compression stockings can help overcome a number of varicose veins symptoms. According to a study released in 2018, people who use knee-high compression stockings with a pressure of 18-21 mmHg experience a reduction in varicose veins-related pain.

Keep your body actively moving

Varicose veins sufferers should avoid sitting for long periods of time. If your job requires sitting for a long time, change your sitting position often or stand for a while to rest. Frequent moves aim to keep your blood flow smooth. Also, avoid sitting with crossed legs because it restricts blood flow to the legs.

Consumption of foods containing flavonoids

Flavonoids are useful to overcome heart disorders. This content can help facilitate blood flow, reduce arterial blood pressure, and make blood vessels more relaxed. To get the benefits of flavonoids, you can consume vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and peppers. In addition, fruits such as grapes, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, apples, as well as green tea drinks, can also be an option.

Consumption of herbs

According to the National Institute of Health, consumption of herbs such as grape seed extract can help swelling and other symptoms triggered by varicose veins. However, you should first consult a doctor before consuming grape seed extract. Those of you who are taking blood-thinning drugs are prohibited to drink grape seed extract. Interactions between blood-thinning drugs and grape seed extract can increase the risk of bleeding.

Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight

Wearing clothes that tend to be tight can limit the blood flow that causes varicose veins. Try wearing loose clothes to keep blood circulation smooth and not limit blood flow to the lower body.

This also applies to the use of shoes. Wearing shoes with flat soles rather than high heels can help varicose veins in the foot area to not increase.

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Exercises which can help get rid of Varicose Veins

Leg lift exercise

This exercise helps to treat varicose legs as well as reduce the bulge of the feet as well as improve circulation, by lying on your back close to one of the walls in your home, then raising your legs up to form the lower part of your body with the angle of 90 degrees with the upper part, and maintain this position for a few minutes and then return to normal position, and repeat the exercise as much as you can.

Cycling exercise

This exercise helps to move the blood and make it flow in the right direction inside the veins. Lie on the floor and lift your legs in the air. Start bending one of your legs down with a soft wrap so that it takes its place again in the air. Bend the left leg and repeat the same steps with it. This exercise is like driving a bike.

Toe-folding exercise

This exercise can be exercised at any time while sitting at home, by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched forward, and using your hand to fold your toes outward and then inward,  repeat this movement at least 20 times a day.

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Apart from the above remedies, you can try using the below kitchen ingredients which are found to be useful –

Green tomatoes

Green tomatoes contains special substances that have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels. The tomato should be cut and made into a paste and applied on the affected parts, leave for half an hour. Next, cleanse the skin and lubricate with a moisturizer. The course of treatment is 10 days, perform this tomato procedure in the morning and at night.

Horse chestnut

Perhaps this is the best home remedy for varicose vein problems. Chestnuts should be cleaned, cut and filled in a dark glass bottle. Then pour the container with alcohol or vodka, and store it in a dark and cool place for about three weeks. Rub the solution on the skin twice a day.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also very effective for various problems with veins.

Mix a tablespoon of carrot juice with a tablespoon of aloe vera in a bowl and Add 5 drops of apple cider vinegar and mix well. Apply using a cotton bandage and do this at least 3 times a day for a month.

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Useful advice

Varicose veins can be treated by spraying the body with cold water during bathing, as this improves circulation and protects the body from blockages in the veins.

There are some things that may help relieve the pain and spread of varicose veins, which are always recommended to follow, and here are some of the most important:

**** Maintain weight within normal limits and stay away from obesity.

**** Avoid wearing tight clothes.

**** Wearing special medical socks to treat varicose veins.

**** Exercise regularly and stay away from bad health habits such as smoking.

**** Do not to stand for long periods.

**** Stay away from exposure to high temperatures and hot water baths.

These were some of the home remedies to get rid of varicose veins in the legs. Consult a doctor if varicose veins do not go away and complaints continue.

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