
Can You Delay Menopause?

The average age women experience menopause is 51. But with 1% of women, this nerve wrecking body change comes much earlier than its time, i.e  in their 40s, sometimes even 30s and even 20s. Experiencing these changes in their 30s or 20s can wreak havoc on women’s bodies and spirits. Early menopause has symptoms such as impaired ovaries, hot flushes, night sweats, sleep problems, sex, vaginal dryness, pelvic floor dysfunction, loss of bone mass, and mood changes. So, can you delay menopause? Let us find out below :

Can you delay menopause?

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What is Menopause?

Menopause is a permanent cessation of menstrual bleeding due to the stopping of ovulation in the female body, as well as the production of certain hormones. The most important aspect of menopause for women’s health is that it is no longer possible for her to have children. It means having a natural method of pregnancy prevention after the age of 50.

Menopause is not avoidable, but it is possible to avoid its effects. The main problem in menopause is the reduction of estrogen. Therefore, foods rich in phytoestrogens such as soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, flaxseeds can be useful in reducing menopause complaints.

What are the symptoms for menopause?

The most common signs are decreased frequency, irregularity and hot flashes of menstrual bleeding. These symptoms usually begin about 4 years before menopause.

In addition, there may be sleep disorders, mood swings, weight gain.

What should be done during menopause?

Gynecological examination is required during this period as menstrual delays and hot flashes, which are symptoms of menopause, may be caused by other health problems.

Some problems with the thyroid gland can lead to increased levels of the milk hormone and pregnancy menstrual delays. Hot flashes can be caused by sudden hormone release from the adrenal glands or overwork of the thyroid gland. Since the transition to menopause, menopause and its aftermath will occur differently and different symptoms in each woman, the methods of treatment will be different.

Pelvic examination, breast screening, cervical cancer screening and routine blood tests are part of the menopause period interview. A mental state assessment should also be carried out. Possible sexual problems, urinary problems, sleep disorders are questioned.

Is treatment necessary in menopause?

During the transition period to menopause and the few years immediately after menopause, significant physical and psychological changes occur in the female body. The risk of cardiovascular disease and bone loss increases. Hormonal changes make it easier to increase body weight.

Frequent problems during menopause (irregularities in menstrual bleeding and discontinuation of menstrual bleeding, hot flashes, sweating, bone loss, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, dry genital organs, problems with urine) are usually related to decreased estrogen levels.

The severity and duration of these problems differ significantly from person to person. While some women can survive this period with very mild symptoms, sometimes there may be problems that are intense enough to require treatment.

Treatment is planned according to the needs of the person. In case of very deterioration of the quality of life, hormone support can be done for up to 5 years with risk assessment. Some antidepressant drugs are also used during menopause.

During menopause, bone loss accelerates. In some people, bone loss can be very severe and silent fractures of the spinal cord occur in the future. Even with minor traumas, fractures may occur in the hip joint, wrist. Smoking and inactivity increase bone loss.

How long do hot flashes last during menopause?

The feeling of warmth in the upper part of the body, which lasts an average of 4 minutes, is defined as palpitations or headaches, weakness, weakness, dizziness and, at the end, intense sweating and chills.

It can repeat very often, happens more often at night and can be felt intensely enough to wake you from sleep. Hot flashes occur more frequently and violently in stressful and hot environments.

Hot flashes occur in four out of five women during the menopause. In three-quarters of these women, it lasts more than a year. Half of these will continue for about 5 years. As a result, the frequency and severity of hot flashes decreases with age. It can be useful to keep the environment cold, avoid spicy foods and caffeine, avoid stressful strenuous work.

What are menopause pains?

Joint and muscle pains, the relationship with hormonal changes in menopause are also frequently transmitted.

How can you delay menopause?

Exercise is one of the best things you can do to help delay pre-menoopausal periods because it helps regulate hormones and maintain normal levels of body fat.

There is an connection between very heavy exercise or long-term exercise and early menopause. Excessive exercise creates a hormone imbalance that causes uneven ovulation and can impair hormones early. How to recognize early hormone depleting based on the menstrual cycle, it can be more than a month or two late, even if the weight is normal.

Limit the use of cosmetics, plastics and harmful chemicals

Makeup, shower gel, bottled drinking water… can cause serious hormone changes. These hormone disorders hinder the body’s ability to regulate hormones and are often found in plastics and phthalate used in cosmetics, household goods and even food containers. Minimizing as much exposure as possible to these chemicals can help maintain hormone balance.

Stop Smoking

Smoking is one of the few things known to cause early menopause. Chemicals in tobacco, such as nicotine, xianide, and carbon monoxide can speed up egg losses.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol may not cause an early menopause, but drinking too much will be able to trigger it if you have other risk factors.


The main problem in menopause is the reduction of estrogen, called the female hormone, as a result of the end of ovulation. But nutrition is also important.

Soybeans, chickpeas, lentils, flaxseeds are foods rich in phytoestrogen. Consuming them, eating fruits and vegetables can be useful in reducing menopause complaints. In addition, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be started for the bones as the risk of bone loss increases in women during menopause. Vitamin E in terms of fever and libido, fish oil supplements can be obtained for cardiovascular health. During this period, it is necessary not to consume excessive tea or coffee, but to drink plenty of water. Herbal teas such as ginseng, green tea can be drunk.

Maintain normal weight

Estrogen is stored in fatty tissue so being overweight is the main cause of an excess of estrogen in women and too much estrogen can lead to ovarian failure, Similarly, being underweight can make the body assume that you are hungry and will turn off all unnecessary systems for living, such as turning off fertility. The closer women to menopause gain weight, the more likely they are to menopause.

It is also important to exercise both to prevent weight gain with the effect of slowing metabolism and to maintain bone health.

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Tips to avoid pre-menopause symptoms

Omega-3 Supplements

This nutrient increases the number of proteins that alleviate inflammation, while reducing the proteins that cause it. Include in your menu salmon, tuna, walnuts, flaxseed oil and olives or fish oil balls.

Stay away from fast food

Foods containing gluten, trans fats, sugars and bad carbs have a significant effect on the inflammation of the body. It is best to eat fresh food, focus on consuming proteins present in the fish that help increase the muscles, as well as fruits and greens containing plant nutrients that prevent and protect the body from inflammatory swelling.

can you delay menopause?

Exercise is important

Fitness is an excellent method of preventing stress, therefore it also reduces the level of inflammatory swelling in the body. In particular, exercises that focus on deep breathing such as yoga or pilates are one of the most effective ways to reduce stress.

Healthy Diet

A diet high in fish and legumes can delay menopause, while starchy foods (such as rice and pasta) accelerate

According to the researchers, foods such as fish, chickpeas, peas help delay the menopause because they contain or stimulate antioxidants. In contrast, starch increases the risk of insulin resistance that hinders sex hormone activity and increases estrogen levels – a factor that increases the number of menstrual cycles and reduces egg production.

Go to bed early

Your body needs 7-9 hours daily to recover from day activities. Do not disdain sleep, if your body does not have the necessary rest time, you will be more susceptible to inflammatory swelling diseases.

If sexuality is a problem…

Another problem during menopause is painful sexual intercourse, which occurs as a result of sexual reluctance, vaginal dryness and loss of elasticity in the muscles. These complaints can be reduced with rubbing or creams that can be applied vaginally. Despite all these measures, hormone replacement therapy can be applied in order to replace estrogen, which is reduced in the body, if the patient’s complaints do not stop.

Oral pills, tapes glued to the skin or vaginal treatments can be applied. It should also be noted that attention should be paid to heart and high blood pressure patients, people with impaired liver function tests, those with a tendency to have clot in the blood, and women receiving hormone replacement therapy should be monitored regularly for breast diseases. Annual gynaecological examination should not be stopped, smear, mammography and bone densitometry scans should be performed when necessary.


Thoug Menopause cannot be avoided, there are ways to delay it and avoid the painful experiences most women have to go through during that phase. Exercise, healthy eating, getting enough sleep and managing stress levels are key to maintaining a healthy body and delaying menopause.

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