
How Do You Stop Hiccups Naturally?

Hiccups are sounds that arise as a result of accidental contraction of the diaphragm and create vocal cord spasms. This contraction can be caused by overeating, stress, consumption of carbonated beverages, stress or sudden changes in temperature. There are many ways people try to get rid of hiccups. Theoretically, the principle is to attempt to interrupt the curved hiccup reflex. So, How do you stop hiccups naturally? Let us find out in this article below.

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Types of hiccups

Experts identify three types of hiccups:

Mild hiccups are the most common species in the majority of the population. It lasts, as a rule, from several seconds to several minutes. It can occur several times a day.

Persistent hiccups last 48 hours, sometimes longer, repetitive.

Long hiccups can last several months and sometimes several years.

Causes of hiccups

Hiccup is an involuntary rhythmic contraction of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. Muscle spasms are accompanied by the closing of the gap between the vocal cords; therefore, a distinctive sound is obtained.

Overeating is one of the most common causes of hiccups. The appearance of muscle contractions causes an oversized and heavily stretched stomach.

Another reason is the irritation of the so-called “wandering” (vagus) nerve. A prolonged hiccup, for no apparent reason, arises from the fact that the phrenic, for no reason, begins to send arousal to the muscles. This reason is not well understood.

The presence of hiccups can be associated with fear, when as a result of strong inhalation the phrenic nerve is attached.

With a nasty illness you may face, being long in an uncomfortable position, when the body is squeezed and squeezed.

The rarest, but still acceptable, reasons for the onset of hiccups are: hypothermia, alcohol poisoning, swallowing food hastily, coughing or forced laughter.

The causes of this problem may be associated with internal pathologies or damage. The most common are diseases of the nervous or digestive system, metabolic processes.

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Having an idea of the source of the problem, it is possible to significantly facilitate the task of getting rid of it. There are situations where a simple exercise of caution even helps prevent the appearance of hiccups. There is no exception in cases in which to solve the problem it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

How Do You Stop Hiccups Naturally?


Some people can stop hiccups by regulating breathing, some hold their breath for a moment and then take a deep breath and hold it back. This is likely because breathing interferes with nerve impulses from the brain to the diaphragm thus stopping hiccups.

Drink water

Most people stop hiccups by drinking water, although the ways vary, some drink a glass of water endlessly or drink water while covering their nose and looking up. When a person swallows there is a temporary change in breathing that may override a seizure in the diaphragm, so as to stop the hiccups.

Warm water

Drinking warm water can facilitate blood circulation and oxygen so that the oxygen needed by the body can be met. Hold your breath in a bent body position for as long as you can. The next step is to return the position of the body in a firm state and still hold your breath. Then drink warm water and breathe as usual.

Eat sugar

Eating a teaspoon of granulated sugar can stop hiccups within minutes. Predictably, the sugar in the mouth will send signals through nerve fibers that will interfere with hiccup reflexes.

Sticking your tongue out

When a person sticks or pulls the tongue out then this stimulates the part of the throat that is connected to the nasal cavity or called the nasopharynx and opens the part between the vocal cords so that it provides relief.

Shock or Fear

When a person is suddenly shocked there is the possibility of change in the respiratory cycle, or can affect a person’s mental state.

Pressing the palm

Some say hiccups disappear by pressing the palm hard. It is believed that it can divert attention from the hiccups into mild pain sensations instead. Some also slap or pinch themselves.

Breathe in a paper bag

High levels of carbon dioxide in the blood can paralyze hiccups. For this, you need to breathe in a paper bag. Blow and inhale few times strong enough until the face is flushed. Do it quickly, and keep the paper bag tightly closed so that no air enters it. The air you will inhale will contain carbon dioxide.

Eucalyptus oil

Apply eucalyptus oil on the neck and abdomen. Essential oils have a heat sensation that can eliminate hiccups.

Lime juice

Lime contains many ingredients that are beneficial to the body and can be used for eliminating hiccups. The trick is to drink directly the juice of lime juice, that is, by squeezing directly in the mouth. Lime has a high content of vitamin C which can eliminate disorders in the vagus nerve.

Peanut Butter

One way to get rid of hiccups can also be by using peanut butter. The trick is to take a spoonful of peanut butter and eat it. Peanut butter can be useful to change the rhythm of breathing, this is because of the peanut content in the peanut butter.

Drink a glass of water using a straw

Fill the glass with water and a straw, then cover your ears with your hands and sip through the straw. The method is quite potent in adolescents and children, while adults may have to try up to several times.

Drink pickled juice or vinegar

Drink half a teaspoon every 7-10 seconds until your hiccups stop. If you do not like pickled juice or vinegar, you can consume any other foods that are acidic.

Do a Headstand

Doing a headstand isn’t easy, especially for those of you who aren’t used to it. However, when reversing the body, the circulation of blood and oxygen will be reversed.

Eat a little salt

Eat 1 teaspoon of salt, then sip water. Follow with a slow breath, and stay relaxed.

Try to cough

All you have to do is calculate how long the hiccup time lag is. Around the time of the hiccups, cough loudly or scream. Repeat up to 3-4 times, if necessary.

Drinking without using your hands

The trick is to put a glass of water on the chair, then sit in another chair in front of it. Hunch over, then drink as much water as possible without using your hands to hold, touch, or tilt the glass.


Hiccup is not the symptom based on which you can draw serious conclusions about the state of your health. In any case, if a similar problem occurs, you should first try to get rid of it in simple ways. In case of failure, do not hesitate to contact a specialist. Apart from the above remedies, you need to eat a balanced diet and avoid overeating, maintain a healthy lifestyle and take care of the nervous system.

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