
Effective Home Remedies For Anemia

Anemia can be described as the loss of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the oxygen carrier in the different parts of our body. Anemia is mainly the result of nutritional deficiency in our body. The most common symptoms of anemia include numbness, fatigue, depression, irritability and weakness. However, symptoms may vary depending on the increased severity of the disease. There are many ways to treat anemia naturally. In the following article, we have been provided some effective home remedies for Anemia. Firstly, let us understand what anemia is and its symptoms and causes.

Effective Home Remedies For Anemia

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a medical condition known as the lack of enough red blood cells in the body to transmit oxygen to tissues. Although blood is the liquid that carries red blood cells and moves them all over the body, they are distributed in the liver and bone marrow, and the lack or absence of this substance from the bone marrow is the most important and earliest signs of iron deficiency anemia as well.

What are the hemoglobin requirement ratios?

– Adults / Male 13.5 – 18 g / 100 ml and female 12-16 g / 100 ml
– Children 4 years over 11 – 15 g / 100 ml while infants 4 months above 10.5 – 15.5 g / 100 ml
– While infants/male or female 14-22 grams per 100 ml
– Pregnant women need 30 mg per day (for her and for the fetus).

Symptoms of Anemia

These are some of the symptoms that indicate anemia :

1) Tired, often sleepy, exhausted.
2) Dizziness
3) Weakness
4) Wounds on the tongue
5) Pale skin
6) Pale mucous membrane (e.g. conjunctiva)
7) Weak and Pale nails
8) No appetite
9) nausea and vomiting
10) Headaches

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Causes of Anemia

  1.  Malnutrition, diets harmful to the body, especially diets with reducediron content.
  2.  Loss of large amounts of blood during your menstrual cycle.
  3.  In cases of pregnancy and childbirth, the blood rate is naturally reduced.
  4.  Some chronic diseases, accompanied by bleeding, such as ulcers, and cancers.
  5.  Iron Deficiency
  6.  Vitamin C deficiency
  7.  Vitamin B12 deficiency

Effective Home Remedies for Anemia

***A correct and balanced diet is very beneficial for anaemic people. Your diet should include cereals, rice, pasta, dairy products (milk, yogurt and cheese), dried beans, eggs, fruits and vegetables, meat, chicken, fish and nuts.

***Iron-rich foods are also effective in curing anemia. Liver, leaf green vegetables, bran flakes, oysters, rice and lentil molasses, beetroot, nuts, raisins and plums are rich in iron. Try to include all these foods in your diet.

***Foods cooked in iron pots increase the iron content. Therefore, cooking in iron pots can be effective in healing anemia.

***The term “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” goes well in case of anemia. Try to consume 2-3 apples daily. Apples are rich in iron and therefore useful in treating anemia.

***Vitamin C is necessary for the absorption of iron. Try to include many citrus fruits in your diet, such as orange, lemon, etc.

***Vitamin B12 is very useful to cure anemia. Animal protein and organic meats, such as kidney and liver, are considered good sources of this vitamin. Consuming them will prove to be beneficial for people suffering from anemia.

***Consumption of beetroot, cooked in vegetables or salad, is one of the best home remedies for anemia. You can also drink beetroot juice for this purpose.

***The sun is also recommended for people with anemia, as it increases the production of red blood cells, but avoid excess as it could lead to skin burns.

***Consumption of a ripe banana, mash and mix with a tablespoon of honey. This is very beneficial in the treatment of anemia.

***Apple juice and tomato is beneficial in the treatment of anemia. Drink one cup each, at least once in a day.

***Soak 7 almonds in water overnight. Remove the almond skin and grind to a paste. Take this paste in the morning, at least for three months.

***Anemia can benefit from a combination of molasses and Apple cider vinegar. Toss 2 tablespoons vinegar Apple cider and 2 tablespoons molasses and 1 cup of water. Take this drink once a day.

Iron deficiency in Vegan diets

The high rise in popularity of the vegan diet is one of the key factors why more and more people are facing iron shortages. Those who promote a vegan or vegetarian diet also have an commitment to stress the importance of using replacement foods that can increase iron intake, not simply eliminate important food groups.

Although groceries such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts and nuts have sufficient amounts of iron, they are sometimes not absorbed in the body as much as iron from animal food. It is therefore important to ensure a diverse diet of plant-based food, which should certainly provide vitamin C that helps absorb iron.

What are iron-rich foods?

– Meat: liver, red meat, chicken, fish and eggs
– Fruits: such as apples, pears, dates, grapes, raisins and mango.
– Vegetables: such as mallow, spinach, cabbage and watercress.
– Legumes: such as lentils, beans, peas and chickpeas.
– Cereals such as wheat, oats, corn, etc.

Foods that help absorb iron such as:

Guava and citrus fruits (orange, lemon, grapefruit) tomatoes, eggplants, carrots and green peppers.

Foods that hinder the absorption of iron:

Excessive consumption of chocolate and foods containing cocoa and coffee.

Drinking tea, coffee or cola immediately after eating, it is recommended to reduce their intake and postpone it to 2 hours after eating the main meals.

Anemia Prevention

Most types of anemia can not be prevented. However, you can help avoid iron deficiency anemia and vitamin deficiency anemia by eating healthy,  including:

Iron- The best sources of iron are beef and other meats. Other foods rich in iron, including legumes, lentils, iron-rich cereals, dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, peanut butter and legumes.

Folic acid- Folic acid, can be found in the juices of oranges and fruits, bananas, dark green leafy vegetables, peas and fortified breads, cereals and pastas.

Vitamin B-12- This vitamin is available in abundance in meat and dairy products.

Vitamin C- Foods containing vitamin C, such as oranges, melons and berries, help improve the absorption of iron.

Eating lots of iron-containing foods is essential for people who have high iron needs, such as children, adolescents and pregnant women and girls menstruating

Important actions taken to prevent iron deficiency include:

  1.  Counseling to help choose foodstuffs with sufficient iron content on a regular basis in adolescence.
  2.  Increase the consumption of iron from animal sources such as meat, fish, poultry, seafood accompanied by drinking fruit juice containing vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to increase iron absorption.
  3.  Avoid or reduce drinking coffee, tea, iced tea, soft drinks containing carbonate and drinking milk at meal times.
  4.  Iron supplementation
  5.  Anemia screening tests

To increase iron absorption, iron supplements should not be given with milk, coffee, tea, soft drinks containing carbonate, and multivitamins containing phosphate and calcium.


What is Anemia?

Anemia (in Greek: Without blood) is a state when the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin (an oxygen-carrying protein) in red blood cells is below normal. Anemia is reduced to below the normal values of erythrocytes, quantity of hemoglobin, and volume packed red blood cell (hematocrit) per 100 ml of blood.

How can anemia be diagnosed?
  •   Analysis of full blood components CBC.
  •   An X-ray of the chest that may show an enlarged heart muscle.
  •   Stool analysis, may show hidden blood due to ulcers or tumors of the stomach and intestines.
  •  Clinical examination includes heart rate and breathing tests and liver size examination scans.
  •  Your doctor may recommend additional tests if there are ulcers or tumors that may cause anemia.

Are there any complications of anemia?

Yes, if anemia persists, it may lead to:

– Excessive fatigue: It is possible to feel tired to the point of not carrying out the very simple daily duties, as he is very tired and difficult to play or work.
– The fetus will not grow properly
– Heart problems: Anemia may cause accelerated and irregular heartbeat – Arrhythmia. In the case of anemia, the heart should pump more blood in order to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood. This can lead to even “heart failure”
– Damage to nerves and changes in cognitive condition, especially if accompanied by a deficiency in vitamin B-12

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