
Incredible Health Benefits Of Walking

Do you want to feel better, have more energy, or even live longer? Well, start walking today! The benefits of regular walking are numerous. Walking is a less intense physical activity, but it also improves health status. A lively walk at least three times a week lasting thirty to sixty minutes puts into operation the entire system for movement, circulatory and respiratory, and improves the work of the brain. In this article, you will read about some incredible health benefits of walking.

Research shows that regular walking is the best measure to reduce the risk of heart attack, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis, and also helps treat arthritis, high blood pressure and depression. You will also notice movements on the scales in the desired direction. Since walking is not an exhausting activity and does not involve sudden movements, the risk of injury is very small. Thus, muscle inflammations, dislocations and fractures are almost excluded.

Incredible Health Benefits Of Walking

Good for your mental health:

Need to relax after a stressful day. Taking a 30-minute walk at a fast pace will help you calm down. Physical activity activates a variety of brain chemicals that make you feel happier. When you exercise regularly, you feel better and look better physically.

Struggles with chronic diseases:

Are you afraid of developing heart disease? Can you prevent bone weakening? Walking exercise helps prevent high blood pressure, organizes your cholesterol. It relaxes your blood flow by reducing plaque formation in your veins.

Walking strengthens the circulatory system and lungs, so the heart pumps blood more efficiently into all parts of the body, and the lungs supply blood with more oxygen. Since the heart is a muscle, anything that speeds up blood flow through it makes it stronger. Walking favors the heart by reducing blood pressure, increasing the amount of good cholesterol in the blood and reducing blood density and viscosity, thereby preventing clots from forming.

Walking daily for at least half an hour reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, or you will find it easier to keep it under control, if you are already suffering from it. Furthermore, walking saves the kidneys, because increased sweating relieves “pressure” on these vital organs, since through sweat, some waste products are eliminated from the body.

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Research conducted at Harvard University in the US has proven that walking six times a week for half an hour significantly reduces the risk of heart attack in women. Another study found that the risk of circulatory diseases is halved in women who walk regularly, even if they have too much body weight and too much cholesterol in their blood.

Under the influence of walking, the operation of the motion system is repaired. All organs and parts of the body that serve to move benefit from regular walking. Muscle tone is increased, joints become more mobile and lubricated and coordination of movements is improved. Walking helps not only muscles, but also bones. Studies have shown that women who exercise regularly in their twenties and take enough calcium have a lower risk of osteoporosis by more than 30 percent.

Scientists also believe that there is a strong possibility that walking reduces the chance of getting colon cancer. The reason for their belief probably lies in the fact that walking speeds up and improves digestion.

Control your weight:

The older a person is, the harder it is to maintain body weight only with dietary interventions. It’s the same with those who usually have problems with it. Therefore, sooner or later, in addition to diet, some form of exercise becomes a key motive for these individuals. Walking at a light pace for one hour, at speeds of up to five kilometers per hour, burns about 250 calories, and if you accelerate the rhythm to eight kilometers per hour, you will burn as many as 500 calories. If you want to break down excess fat, it is necessary to walk for 45 or more minutes in one go, because fat deposits begin to dull only after half an hour of activity. If walking becomes a daily habit for you, it will increase the possibility of permanent loss of excess weight.

When you deal with physical activity, you burn calories. Tighter exercise means burning more calories. So you can easily limit your weight gain. You don’t necessarily have to go to gyms to exercise. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Take walks during your lunch break. Turn off the TV after dinner and walk at a fast pace.

Increases your energy levels:

Walking helps you breathe more comfortably and distributes oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. In reality, daily exercise help your cardiovascular system work better. When your heart and lungs work more effectively, you get more energy to deal with the jobs you love to do.

Sleep better:

A good night’s sleep improves concentration, production and mental state. Physical exercise like walking can also be the key to better sleep, which lets you fall asleep faster and get a deep sleep for a long time.

How to walk properly

Walking is simple and not tiring if you follow the basic instructions. Prepare well first. To avoid muscle aches, it is best to start walking with a slight warm-up and stretching. When walking, the head should be raised and facing forward, shoulders should be relaxed, hands should swing freely along the hips, the back should be straightened, and the abdomen slightly tucked in. Step half-folded knees, and gently twist your hips at every turn.

A place to walk will not be difficult for you to find, because you can walk all over the city, park or by the sea.

In order for walking to give a result in building a slender line and raising fitness, the main condition is regularity. Since it is a low intensity exercise, you can only come to success with perseverance and persistence. Therefore, it is necessary to stick to walking at least every alternate day of the week, for two to three months.

Although the well-being from walking is noticed fairly quickly, because you will feel better already after a few days of walking exercises, you should know that the essential effects on health are achieved only after a month. If in the first month you perform at least four walking training sessions, a week of half an hour, after that form and endurance will allow you to walk longer and more often. Once you get fit, fast forward the pace to six kilometres per hour, four to six times a week from half to one hour. Have your upper limit be six sessions a week and don’t let any hike go over two hours. In addition, it is desirable to adjust the intensity of walking so that your heart rate reaches between 60 and 80 percent of the maximum heart rate.

How to make time for Walking exercise

Walking is a very good activity for the body and is recommended by many health professionals every day. However, if you are too busy with your schedule, you can apply the following walking tips. Walking little by little also contributes to more effective weight loss.

Climbing stairs

The habit of climbing stairs is extremely healthy, especially helping to lose weight much more effectively. So avoid using the elevator at most times. You can climb stairs in the house, company, shopping center or wherever you want.

Instead of calling, meet in person

At work, many of you have a habit of chatting or speaking over phone even if you are  1 – 2 desks apart or one room apart. However, instead of calling, you should stand up and move. Getting up and walking after a long sitting time will help prevent many health-damaging diseases as well as support better burning of calories and weight loss.

Find a friend to walk with

Having a friend to walk with also helps you to be much more diligent. You can walk fast in an exercise style to lose weight faster. Infact, if you feel lazy someday, you can just go shopping which is enough to burn significant calories and very useful for weight loss.

Walk at close distances

If you plan to head out to the street, walk to a grocery store near your home or any closer location, increase your walking instead of using a motorbike. If the location is a bit far away, using bicycles also helps quite a lot.

Walk after dinner

After eating, you should spend a little time walking gently to support better digestion of food and burn calories effectively. This will reduce the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, waist as well as lose weight better. No need to walk fast or run heavy, you just need to walk around the yard, or  around the neighbourhood.

Walking in the waiting moments

You have an appointment and wait for your friend to pick you up, instead of lying down waiting, why not get up and go for a walk because walking in the garden also helps to increase the walking time of the day. Especially, for those who do not have time to exercise, taking advantage of these waiting moments to walk is also an effective way to lose weight.

Explore on weekends

Instead of spending weekends at home, get up and explore the neighbourhood around you house. Walk further through the surrounding areas to discover new things that are both healthy and weight-free. Especially, if you find some companions, it will make the journey much more interesting.

While walking at a moderate pace, you can also insert shorter stages of faster walking. Start at the usual pace, and after ten to fifteen minutes accelerate the rhythm for one to five minutes. Then slow down to its original speed again for recovery and power gathering. Walking increases stamina and helps stretch a wide range of leg muscles.
Whoever walks for a long time may feel the need for more intense activity. The logical extension of walking is running, but it requires greater efforts, so it is necessary to consult with a doctor.
For health and fitness, it is an extremely effective combination of walking and running. Run for ten minutes and walk for five minutes alternately several times. Exhaustion will be significantly be lower than if you run all the way, and calorie consumption will be higher than just walking.

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