10 Strong Natural Antibiotic Foods with no side-effects
It is better to give your body some time to try and fight bacteria without taking medication. Antibiotics are available in pharmacies and hospitals, but natural antibiotic foods can be used without taking medication. If it’s a natural substance, there’s no need to worry about drug addiction or side effects. Here are 10 Strong Natural Antibiotic Foods with no side-effects which you can use.
Let’s take advantage of natural antibiotics!
Instead of going to a pharmacy to prevent infectious diseases and spending money on medicines or chemicals, you may be able to use the following natural materials as antibiotics:
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10 Strong Natural Antibiotic Foods with no side-effects

Garlic with a variety of benefits makes an outstanding contribution in cooking and as a natural remedy. One of the most important benefits of garlic is its antimicrobial properties, which has been used as a medicine for infectious diseases for thousands of years.
It contains allicin – the compound exerts the same effect as antibiotics so that garlic is capable of eliminating bacterial infections. Especially respiratory diseases such as sore throat, inflammation of the joint, tonsillitis.
In Oriental medicine, garlic is used as a treatment that supports digestion, including the treatment of worms and diarrhoea, improving respiration. In the 19th century, garlic was used by Americans as a tonic to help increase resistance.
You can also expect to strengthen your immune system by eating garlic raw.
Turmeric contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help treat a wide range of infections. Turmeric has proven very useful in treating infections both externally and internally.
Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and is a powerful antioxidant. Therefore, this active ingredient curcumin is anti-inflammatory, eradicates free radicals, regenerates cells quickly. Research shows that turmeric oil can treat infections when applied for 7 days.
In addition, turmeric can help prevent and even treat cancer. Numerous studies have shown that curcumin can reduce the growth of cancer cells.

Grapefruit seed extract
According to the study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, grapefruit seed oil effectively protects against more than 800 viruses and bacteria as well as more than 100 strains of fungi and parasites.
Grapefruit seeds are considered the strongest antibacterial in nature. It helps to strengthen immunity, purify the body naturally.
Grapefruit seed extract can be used in a drink to fight bacterial infections or externally to treat warts and prevent infectious diseases.

Cayenne pepper
When we are sick, we are often advised not to eat hot spicy foods. But spicy cayenne peppers are actually antibiotics and antifungal in nature extremely good for shortening every disease.
Capsaicin, the active ingredients in cayenne pepper is capable of killing men’s prostate cancer cells.
In addition, cayenne pepper also enhances the metabolism of the body; reduces muscle hunger, helps better digestion, helps relieve joint and muscle pain, lower back pain, postoperative pain, pain caused by neurological diseases such as shingles, improving psoriasis.

In the process of collecting nectar and pollen, honey bees also simultaneously collect sap from various shoots of plants and flowers in their living area. Then the sap is chewed by honey bees, combined with the saliva of bees to form a new mixture of substances called Propolis. Bees apply this propolis to small crevices or outer walls of honeycombs to prevent bacteria and viruses from invading and keeping the nest clean. Thanks to propolis, the beehive is one of the most hygienic places in the natural world. Propolis has been used since ancient times as a natural antibiotic and to increase immunity.
Propolis has been confirmed as a very precious component and remedy, has a very good effect and is widely used in life such as antibacterial, antiviral, fungal, infectious, anti-inflammatory, immuno-conditioning, strengthening resistance, anti-ulcer, healing wounds and irritation to young skin quickly, with precious compound components such as proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is abundant in most fruits and vegetables. It has antioxidant properties that enhance the body’s immune system, making it an excellent in the prevention of diseases. For example, people who eat citrus frequently are known to be less prone to disease. In addition, vitamin C helps fight viruses and bacteria. It is also known to help release toxins from the body.
Multiple effects of vitamin C
- Weight loss effects
- Reductions in heavy metal intake effect – like mercury
- Effects of fatigue recovery

It’s not just raw herbs that are useful, but also oregano oil. This oil is made from fragrant oregano leaves and contains highly antibacterial ingredients that may help treat a variety of infectious diseases.
Oregano oil helps in diseases like pneumococcal, caused by bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae · It is believed to have the power to fight Enterococcus. It will also work with 25 other types of bacteria. This includes being resistant to synthetic antibiotics.
Oregano oil helps fight intestinal infection, Typhoid, Urinary tract infections, Cholera, Skin infections, cold, Measles. It is good for people with tumours, etc. It is helpful in the prevention of mumps. In addition, it suppresses the inflammation of wounds caused by cuts and bites of animals, bees and snakes.
Moringa has the ability to restore liver detoxification due to hepatocellular oxidation inhibition and antioxidant enzyme activation, and is packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other nutrients. Leaves, stems, roots, berries are vastly utilized, such as medicines and foods.
Moringa powder is also said to help prevent ageing and healthy weight management.
Moringa contains a total of 112 types of nutrients and can be eaten from berries to flowers, seeds and roots. Moringa berries act to drain sodium in our body, and flowers contain quercetin, which helps the liver. The seeds are rich in minerals, and the roots are rich in anti-inflammatory and antibiotic-acting ingredients.
Moringa leaves are also rich in polyphenols, which are said to be excellent for discharging waste products from the body. It is also rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
However, pregnant women and lactating women are recommended not to eat Moringa leaves, and excessive intake can cause diarrhoea, abdominal pain, vomiting, uterine contractions, etc. It may also cause a burden on the stomach if eaten on an empty stomach.
Ginger is a great seasoning to eat every day. Its ingredients have gingerol which has been shown to reduce the risk of developing cancer and prevent or soothe digestive problems.
Ginger has also long been used as a natural antibiotic, especially against food- transmitted pathogens. If you eat a little ginger during meals, the likelihood of illness decreases, even if you are exposed to salmonella, listeria or campylobacter. Ginger is particularly good at stopping the growth of bacteria such as E.coli and shigella. Ginger can also block viruses such as Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
Olive leaves
Olive fruit and olive oil are well known, but olive leaf extract is also said to have an amazing medicinal effect. Firstly, olive leaves have antimicrobial properties which protect from pathogens, and you can expect to prevent premature ageing caused by free radicals. In addition, it contains natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agent. It can also be used as an analgesic.
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