
How to get a flat stomach in a week


The diet for a flat stomach is very important for people who not only want to get rid of kilograms, but also make the figure look good and attractive. A flat stomach is an ideal that not only many women, but men also, strive for. The diet for a flat stomach is based on a set of dishes that can (and should) be eaten and the rules to be followed if you want to have a nice figure and a slender waist and get rid of a protruding tummy. A fat stomach makes people less confident so they try to figure out how to shrink their stomach quickly. Usually to get an ideal slim body especially a flat stomach they do a strict diet by holding back hunger and not eating. However, is it right to diet by holding back hunger? Surely not because by withstanding hunger, the body will lack nutrients and energy and it can interfere with health. The stomach will not be flat but instead, the body can hurt. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to get a flat stomach in a week.


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How to get a flat stomach in a week



Simple meal plan to lose weight


Simple meal plan to lose weight


In a flat stomach diet, it is very important to eat foods rich in fibre and those that not only help reduce body weight and fat tissue, but also do not cause bloating. Especially fibre-rich vegetables and easily digestible steamed, roasted or grilled dishes are recommended. In addition, the basic principle necessary to supplement the diet for a flat stomach and ensure its effectiveness is physical activity, for example, daily at least 30-minute walks, running, cycling and regular exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

To strengthen and fix the effects of the diet on a flat stomach, all activities of “overclocking” metabolism are recommended and making the body not only burn fat and excess body fat more quickly, but also effectively gets rid of toxins and unnecessary metabolic products.

Belly fat diet plan

The basis of the diet for a flat stomach are vegetables – raw, steamed or grilling. An exception is legumes and others, which can cause bloating. These vegetables can be eaten in a diet for a flat stomach, but it is advised against eating them more often than once, twice a week. It is also advisable to include fruits such as grapefruit, apples, kiwi and pineapple in the diet. Meat products are mainly recommended meat from poultry and fish – stewed or grilled, not fried. Dairy, wholemeal flour, rice (preferably brown) and eggs can also be included in meals for a flat stomach.

It is recommended to eat five meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner, according to the principle that you should eat small amounts of food (do not overeat), but more often, so that there is a feeling of relative satiety between meals –


how to get a flat stomach in a week


Flat stomach diet plan

An example of a diet for a flat stomach looks like this:

Breakfast: muesli with fruit and milk (low fat), two slices of wholemeal bread, scrambled eggs.
Second breakfast: yogurt or homogenized cheese (possibly cottage cheese) with fruit.
Lunch: grilled chicken breast with potatoes or groats, salad or stewed vegetables.
Afternoon tea: kisel or pudding with apple.
Dinner: omelette with vegetables or sandwiches with smoked fish, vegetable salad.

You can also include broccoli, green peas (preferably fresh or frozen, not from a can), smoked and braised fish, tomatoes, cucumbers and vegetable oils (grape seeds, olive oil). It is not recommended to eat fried and baked in deep fat, sweets, fast food and red meat (you can eat them at most once-twice a week, preferably lean and grilled).


How to get a flat stomach

Intention and Motivation:

Before doing the program of flattening your stomach must have a strong determination so as not to stop easily in the middle of the program. Your intention and motivation should be clear e.g. your motivation is to have an ideal slim body as well as be healthy.

Be consistent with your healthy diet:

The right and proper diet is to choose and maintain the intake of food to be consumed and not to withstand hunger by not eating. The way is to choose foods that are nutritious, low in calories, low in fat, and high in protein. Make a list of what healthy foods to consume from morning to evening. Don’t forget to include fruit and vegetables in the list.

Avoid sugar:

Sugar can make you gain weight so it needs to be reduced especially for diabetics who are on a diet. The way is to avoid drinks that contain sugar or sweet foods. Try drinking fresh tea and fruit juice instead of the syrup or sweet tea you used to consume.


how to get a flat stomach in a week


Exercise regularly:

Exercising is certainly very important especially to increase metabolism and facilitate circulation so that it can provide fitness and health to the body. Do cardiovascular exercise to have a flat stomach. Every week try regular exercise four to five times. Sports such as treadmills, sit-ups, push-ups, barbell lifts, and aerobics can be done easily at home so you don’t have to do the activity outdoors if there is no time. If you have free time then take time to run in the morning or jog and swim

Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables:

Fruit and vegetables are certainly useful as a way of shrinking the stomach. Fruits and vegetables have a good content of vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fibre for the body. In addition, fruits and vegetables are low in fat and calories so will not gain weight quickly.


Avoid snacking habits:

A lot of people have a habit of snacking especially at night. If you want to have a flat stomach then this habit should be reduced. If you can’t resist snacking then replace your snacks with fresh fruit that are low in calories and definitely healthy. Furthermore, avoid snacking habits at night because at that time, we are no longer active and what we eat will accumulate into fat.

Increase water intake:

When you drink water you will quickly feel full and not easily hungry. Drink water especially when waking up in the morning so that the body can flush out toxic substances in the body because water is good for the digestive system and neutralizes our body. Do not forget that the doctor recommends consumption of water – at least eight glasses daily.


Chew food slowly:

Try not to chew and swallow your rice too quickly. When chewing your food, the mouth will secrete enzymes contained in saliva where it can help the metabolism of the body.

Reduce calories:

If you eat 2,000 calories every day then start learning to cut down on foods that contain a lot of calories. You can reduce your intake to 1,500 calories per day.Eat right for your blood type

Eat right for your blood type

Nowadays a lot of people try blood type diets that are popular. You can also try this diet in your healthy menu as your weight loss will become more effective if you consume food that corresponds to your blood type. Then there are dietary restrictions that should not be eaten by certain blood groups. Tips for dieting according to blood type are as follows:

Blood type O diet

For people with blood type O, consume food that contains a lot of protein. Foods to avoid are foods made from wheat flour such as bread, noodles, and cakes. Good food is fruit and vegetables as well as seafood and red meat.

Blood type AB diet

For people with AB blood should avoid foods made from wheat flour. Chicken and beef are also among the foods for this blood type. Furthermore, edible foods are those made from soy such as tempeh. Fish meat or seafood is also very good to eat.

Blood type A diet

For people with blood, it will be very good if you eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. They are recommended to be vegetarian because intake of foods containing a lot of fat and carbohydrates can gain weight quickly. However, foods such as bread, fish meat, and chicken can still be consumed.

Blood type B diet

For people with blood type B, it is necessary to avoid foods made from chicken meat and wheat flour. Healthy foods to eat are watermelon, broccoli, mutton, cheese, milk and eggs.

Diets based on blood type should certainly still be supplemented with regular exercise. Hopefully these tips are effective for you.


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The best diet for a flat stomach is the one which does not exceed 1200 kcal per day. Removing belly fat to make a flat stomach is not easy. A lot of things are done starting with liposuction and dieting desperately. most people can’t wait to go through the process because the programs have to be lived by maintaining a diet, whereas many exercises are ways of shrinking the stomach that you can do easily every day. exercise regularly and do cleansing for detoxification as well as consume the right supplements to help speed up metabolic processes.


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