


In order to successfully go on a diet, regular and precise exercise is not the only key to success. There is another factor that is also important, which is the ability to control hunger or maintain appetite, especially from the type of food that can damage the diet program. Call it high-fat food, junk food or fritters, excessive appetite often hampers diet programs. Therefore an effective way is needed to control the hunger pangs. “How to avoid Hunger while on diet?’ – this question is mostly asked by many people. Well, to answer that, below are a number of effective ways on how to avoid hunger while on a diet.




Drink water regularly


Sometimes if the stomach is empty, one considers himself to be hungry. Whereas hunger is different from dehydration, many people don’t know it. Then spontaneously there is filling the stomach with food that is not actually needed by the body. Therefore, you need to pay attention to your daily water consumption, are you drinking enough?




Never skip breakfast. Breakfast is the key to success in your day-to-day activities. Your appetite will increase during the day if you miss this. And this is not good for the body because you will end up eating more and it can trigger obesity.


Increase protein consumption


With foods that are low in calories and high in protein content, the body will be supported in maintaining its energy. You will be calm for activities throughout the day.


Avoid over-snacking


One way to reduce appetite is to avoid snacking. Do you have Snacks like crisps and chocolate day? From now on reduce the portion of the snacks you eat because it can boost your appetite.


Eat regularly


Large portions in one meal are highly discouraged, as is eating only twice a day. It is better to eat at regular intervals three or four times a day so as not to feel hungry often.


Consume tea


Tea consumption is considered good for changing your snacking habits. Brewing warm tea twice a day can help you overcome excessive hunger.




Some people think that sports will make us more hungry. That’s not true. Exercise can reduce your appetite!


HOW TO AVOID HUNGER WHILE ON A DIET?                                                                                      how to avoid hunger while on a diet


Do Light Exercise


Never think when fasting to be lazy and not move. Move your body with light exercise. Try exercising in the morning or afternoon when the air is still around the house, if you can try the farthest only in the yard and it is better if done in the house only.

Light exercise enhances the effect of burning fat while fasting. That way the body becomes healthier because it improves the health of the heart and body in general. and also usually the rate of hunger becomes reduced.




Try to fight hunger slowly and learn to feel relaxed and calm when dieting. Meditate to make emotions more stable and calm.


Make a list of foods


In order to reduce appetite at certain hours, remember what you have every day. Remembering this can encourage hippocampus part in the brain to inhibit appetite. In order for the hippocampal performance to be maximized, make a list of foods that you want to eat regularly. Don’t forget to include foods with high mineral and vitamin content such as fruit and vegetables.

Knowing the situation and the type of food that is a weakness can make you more alert and can avoid the situation while refraining from buying the food.


Take Small Amounts of Food


When you see your favorite food, you want to eat it even if you’re not hungry. It is best to limit the food intake that goes into your body. Divide the food into smaller portions. This proved effective to prevent excessive hunger.


Be Disciplined on the meal schedule


Sometimes the cause of hunger and easy temptation is due to indiscipline with the set diet and schedule. To resist and eliminate the temptation to eat that could damage your diet program, you need to discipline yourself to adhere to your planned diet and schedule. Make sure your stomach is filled with healthy foods and keep you full for a long time.


Avoid Using Transparent Dining


Wrong choice of place or container to eat turns out to have a less good impact on diet. Transparent feeding containers can make your food easy to see increasing your appetite. According to an American International Journal of Obesity study, women eat 71% more when the containers to eat are transparent. So avoid that.


Finding Hobbies to Spend Time


When dieting, if you’re off or have free time, try to make the most of hobbies you love such as sewing, dancing, gardening, playing musical instruments, drawing, painting and so on. Usually doing something you like keeps you accupied and you will not think much about food. If you’re tired, take a few moments to get back fresh.


Get enough sleep and avoid staying up late


Stay up late and sleeping too late will make you more tempted to eat while on a diet. The brain has the ability to regulate appetite, which will be disrupted when you don’t sleep well. According to experts from the Health Science Institute, on sleep deprivation the human brain will secrete the hormone ghrelin which helps increases appetite . Therefore, when you stay up too late you will be tempted to snack or eat in the evening or the next day. In addition to being able to make your diet program a mess, eating at night especially before bed will bring negative effects to the body, one of which is to make you restless and have bad dreams.


Use unsaturated Oils


Foods commonly made using saturated fats will potentially make the body easily hungry. Even according to research conducted at UT Southwestern Medical Center mentions that foods containing saturated fats such as pizza or fried chicken can keep you tempted to eat even up to three days after. The study also proved that fatty foods can attack the brain, which then prevents hunger-regulating hormones called leptin and insulin from signaling the brain to stop eating. Therefore, try changing the habit of eating junk food and replacing it with healthier foods, namely foods cooked using unsaturated oils such as olive oil.


When you become easily hungry or tempted to eat when you are stressed or have a lot of thoughts, control your emotions as much as possible and prevent stress by always being positive-minded.


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How to avoid hunger while on a diet




Is it normal to be hungry during a diet?

Being hungry when starting a diet is not abnormal, especially in the early stages. Indeed, the diet can be changed, as can the quantities and it takes time for the body to adapt to this new way of life.

Why do I always feel hungry?

Hunger results from mild hypoglycemia, i.e. a decrease in blood glucose (sugar) levels. It’s a physiological signal that all the calories from the previous meal have been burned, and it’s time to eat! The feeling of hunger is sometimes accompanied by a kind of stomach cramp.

When does the body draw on fat?

When the body is at rest, the number of calories it needs to function is particularly low, so it draws its energy from fat.

Why do I want sweet after eating?

Eating sugar triggers a secretion of wellness hormones. Little by little, the brain is demanding more and more of them. To free yourself from these irrepressible cravings, a break of sweets is necessary. Sugar can quickly become an addiction.

What are the feelings of hunger?

At first, “real hunger” can manifest itself in gurgling, a hollow in the stomach, salivation, throat that feels tight.

How do I eliminate sugar in the body?

Simply reducing your weight by 5% to 7% is enough to prevent the onset of diabetes. – Walking 30 minutes a day will help you better metabolize sugars. – Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains or semi-completes and legumes (lentils, peas, beans).

How do you stop feeling like you don’t want to eat sweet?

Switch to a consumption of sugary products 1 day out of 2 for 1 week. Hold 3 days without sugary products. Reduce your sweet pleasure to once a week Finally, if you can, only occasionally consume sweets, to give you a little pleasure.

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