
8 Ways To Stop Bad Breath

Have you ever felt uncomfortable with bad breath when interacting with someone? Bad breath is a pathology that causes quite a lot of trouble for the people suffering from it and those around them, especially in communication. Failure to treat in time will affect the quality of life as well as daily work. There are many temporary cures for bad breath that we can apply right at home to help the breath cool immediately. Well! here are 8 ways to stop bad breath to make you feel more confident. Before that, let us find out what causes bad breath


Causes of Bad Breath


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Bad Breath also called Halitosis is the phenomenon of a bad odour coming from the mouth. Of course, it is not a medical emergency, but about 25 to 30% of the world’s population suffers from this distressing problem.


Liver problems

Fat syndrome and jaundice are some of the most common liver problems. If the liver organ is problematic, of course it affects bad breath. The liver has a role in fat metabolism. If the liver does not perform the task, then the amount of bacteria in the mouth increases.


Bleeding Gums

If you are among those suffering from bleeding gums, it is worth noting. Bloody gum marks sometimes accumulate in the mouth, often causing bad mouth aromas.


Throat infection

When you suffer from a throat infection, bacteria sometimes break down cells from the bronchial tract and produce mucus that smells bad.


Kidney failure

Kidney failure is one of the medical reasons that trigger bad breath



It turns out that diet is also the cause. Why? High levels of protein in food can trigger bad breath. This is because amino acids serve as a place for the development of oral bacteria.



In 2007, a study examined that obese people could potentially have higher bad breath. It turns out that organisms that live in the gut in people suffering from obesity can produce gases that can cause bad breath. These microbes are 30% higher in obese people.



Drinking too much alcohol can make your salivary glands dry out. Saliva that acts in eliminating bad breath by bacteria starts malfunctioning. So avoid consuming alcohol.


Skipping breakfast

Not only does the stomach feel the benefits of breakfast, but the mouth as well. If alcohol makes the salivary glands dry out, then breakfast helps encourage the production of saliva in the mouth which can then eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath.



Thrush (yeast like fungus) is often thought to cause bad breath. This is true, because when thrush there is the formation of pus and infection of the mouth.


How to Get Rid of Bad Breath Naturally


8 ways to stop bad breath


Bad breath can also be only temporary and short-term. Foods and drinks, such as garlic, onions, coffee and alcohol, can temporarily cause bad breath. Smokers also suffer from bad breath. Whatever the cause, bad breath can be overcome with a few easy solutions.


1. Treat bad breath with mint leaves


Chew or eat raw mint leaves

Mint leaves contain many aromatic essential oils, which help treat bad breath effectively.. These substances have the best bactericidal and deodorizing effect.

Gargle with mint leaves mixed with salt

How to do it: Rinse the mint leaves (about 30gr) then chopped and squeezed for juice. Use this water mixed with 50ml of warm water and put 1 tablespoon of salt to stir well until completely dissolved, then apply gargle.

Rinse your mouth continuously for about 5 minutes and release, immediately clean your mouth with water. As a result, you will immediately feel fresh breath, extremely pleasant. Practice 2 times a day so that bad breath is quickly eliminated.

Brush your teeth with Mint leaves in combination with lemon

How to do it: Take 30gm of fresh mint leaves then pound and take the water and mix in the lemon juice (1 lemon). Can be used instead of specialized toothpaste, use this solution to brush your teeth daily committed to eliminating bad breath extremely effectively!


2. Treat bad breath with yogurt


Active culture in yogurt helps reduce odour-causing bacteria in the mouth.

Pure yogurt can significantly reduce the amount of Hydrogen Sulfide – a foul-mouthed substance – because in yogurt there are many positive bacteria. Therefore, eating yogurt, especially unsalted yogurt is considered as a way to fight tooth decay. It is a delicious gum inflammation tonic, cheap and helps treat bad breath effectively, keeps breath cool.


3. Treat bad breath with strawberries


Strawberries not only help you beat the colour of yellow teeth effectively, this is also a treatment for bad breath not everyone knows. Bite the strawberries in your mouth for about 5 minutes, then chew the strawberries thoroughly and drink filtered water over it. Odours will disappear quickly if persistent with this method daily.


4. Treat bad breath with apples


Apples contain pectin, which helps control food odours and promotes saliva production.


1 cup apples
1 cup mashed carrots
1 cup diced celery
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup crushed walnuts
3 to 5 tablespoons non-fat yogurt

How to make: Mix apples, carrots, celery, cranberries and walnuts together in a large bowl. Add the yogurt with a tablespoon to moisten the mixture. Then sprinkle cinnamon powder.

Cinnamon is antibacterial. Eating this mixture will make your breath fragrant cool due to the effects of the ingredients in it.


5. Treat bad breath with ginger


Ginger is always considered a familiar medicine for the teeth, especially for bad breath.

With ingredients like zingiberene, paradol, shogaol, zerumbone, and gingerol, ginger is considered an extremely effective anti-bad breath medication that few people know about.

How to do it:

– First, prepare 2 to 3 ginger bulbs, peeled and then sliced into thin slices

– Boil about 350ml water and add ginger

– Let it cool. Remove ginger or leave as you like,

– Use ginger water to rinse your mouth 2-3 times for about 10 minutes. Ginger will help you treat bad breath within 2 weeks of use.


6. Treat bad breath with green tea


Green tea leaves have properties which fight against the bacteria that cause bad breath. In addition, it also has a cooling effect, helping to prevent dental problems and can be used to treat bad breath very effectively

How to do it:

You prepare about 1 handful of green tea leaves then crush and then boil with water. Then you filter out the residue and put in 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Use this solution rinse your mouth 2 times a morning after brushing your teeth and in the night before bedtime. This will basically help treat bad breath, and also help protect the teeth extremely effectively.


7. Treat bad breath with rice water


Rice water is something we often waste after washing rice without knowing their great uses. In addition to the skin care effect, rice water also has the ability to treat bad breath thoroughly.

Just rinsing your mouth daily with rice water in the morning and evening will help treat bad breath quickly, returning you cool breath. In addition, your teeth will also be much stronger and more glossy if persistently followed every day.


8. Use clove oil


Clove oil has an anti-inflammatory effect so this is also an effective way to cure bad breath.

How to do it: Use clove essential oil to evenly apply on the gum. Chewing cloves directly will have a more delicate antiseptic effect, promoting an effective and faster relief.


Important tips for curing bad breath


Routine brushing and gargling


The way to get rid of natural bad breath is to brush your teeth. Of course this can prevent dental plaque from piling up. In addition, gargling is also a must do. If necessary, you can use chlorhexidine mouthwash (should not be used more than 2 consecutive weeks).


Increase Vitamin C intake


One way to eliminate bad breath is to eat foods that contain a lot of vitamin C which is a natural preventer of bad breath. For example lemons, apples, carrots etc. Try to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits.


Drink Water


The body’s immune system can be maintained by drinking water regularly. In addition, with water it will keep the mouth moist. It is necessary to avoid bad breath.

Finally, reduce the food and drink that triggers the appearance of bad breath. If you can’t reduce it, brush your teeth and gargle. Especially if the food is very smelly, for example garlic and onions.


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Apart from all the above methods, you should also pay attention to daily hygiene and dental care to avoid recurrent bad breath again. In addition, you should also go for dental examination periodically to prevent dental diseases as well as bad breath from appearing.

Bad breath is not only a common condition, this can be a warning sign of dangerous oral diseases if not treated in time. Go to the dentist for a visit and find a timely treatment to get your mouth treated.


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