
Stomach ulcer – causes, symptoms and home remedies

Today, many people who do not eat healthy, complain of stomach pain or stomach ulcers. So what is stomach ulcer, what is the cause of these pains? What are the factors that cause ulcers, what are their symptoms? How can we prevent stomach ulcers? We will look at all the details in this article below – Stomach ulcer – causes, symptoms and home remedies

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Stomach ulcer – causes, symptoms and home remedies

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What are Stomach Ulcers?

Ulcers are abrasions, i.e tissue losses, caused by the effect of liquids such as stomach acid and pepsin in the esophagus, stomach and duodenum that make up the digestive system. These abrasions can turn into wounds. The sores are called inflammation and occur in the duodenum rather than the stomach. Each body’s stomach acid production is different. In some people, it happens in large amounts and can lead to negative effects in the digestive system.

Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers

The most common symptom is a burning sensation or pain in the middle of your chest and abdomen. Other common signs and symptoms of ulcers include:

 – Burning and pain in the stomach

– loss of appetite

– indigestion

– Belching or reflux

– Nausea or vomiting

– Bloating and gas

– weight loss

– Heartburn (burning sensation in the chest)

– Stomach pain after eating

– Anemia (symptoms are tiredness, shortness of breath or pale skin)

Causes of Stomach Ulcers

The most common cause is erratic eating habits or not having a proper diet. However, for stomach ulcers, the main cause is due to excessive use of stimulants such as alcohol, beer etc..

Helicobacter pylori bacterium is one of the main causes of stomach ulcers.

There are also some factors that facilitate the emergence of ulcers. Smoking and alcohol consumption and some drugs are the most important factors that cause ulcers.

In addition –

– Unbalanced and unhealthy diet

– Excessive salt consumption

– Chewing food less

– staying hungry for a long time

– Overfilling the stomach – insomnia

– Not paying attention to hygiene in food

– Genetic factors

– Stress

How to prevent stomach ulcers

Eating is related to and directly affects the stomach. Therefore, it is necessary to eat right and have a reasonable diet to prevent stomach ulcers

If you have an ulcer, you need to restructure your eating habits in addition to the treatment you receive. Because ulcers can be linked to dietary habits. In addition to your diet, you can also pay attention to the following details:

>>Eat healthy and regularly.

>>Have breakfast and eat all your meals at appropriate times.

>>Stay away from fried, excessively sugary, salty and fatty foods.

>>Drink enough fluids and drink plenty of water.

>>Limit your tea and coffee consumption during the day.

>>At dinner, you should take care to eat boiled and steamed dishes.

>>Eat in small portions without leaving your stomach empty for a long time.

>>Eat fresh and dried fruits, fruit yoghurts or milk desserts.

>>All foods and drinks that will increase stomach acid should be avoided.

>>Limit alcohol, beer and stimulants as much as possible.

>>Add a variety of alkaline foods such as green vegetables, ripe papaya, garlic, avocado, broccoli.

>>Eat more of these foods than meat and fish (highly acidic) in the main meal to neutralize the amount of acid in the stomach to avoid the appearance of new ulcers.

>>Eat lots of green vegetables to help neutralize the amount of acid in the stomach

>>It is important to stay away from carbohydrates. Sugar is a food that increases heartburn. It is recommended to consume very little.

>>Protein foods that provide tissue repair in the area of ​​the wound can be eaten.

>>Low-fat meals should be consumed and fat preference should be in favour of vegetable oils.

>>Take turmeric + honey to heal ulcers in the stomach.

Foods to cure stomach ulcer

foods that are high in antioxidants may be helpful to you. They will stimulate your immune system and help fight infection. In addition, according to experts, this type of food protects against stomach cancer.

Foods like blueberries, cherries, peppers are full of antioxidants.

Broccoli contains sulforaphane, an ingredient that is also thought to fight Helicobacter pylori.

Foods high in fiber are also rich in polyphenols. These are plant chemicals that protect and support the recovery of the gastric mucosa.

Probiotic foods are thought to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection.


Ketchup, tomato paste, pickles, mustard, onions, garlic, pickled foods, sausage, sausage, salami, chocolate, dried fruits, margarine, raw vegetables, unpeeled fresh and raw fruits, alcoholic beverages, instant juice, tea, coffee, cocoa , boza, lemonade, cola, soda pop, fried eggs, dried legumes, instant soups, soups made with broth, stir-fries and spices.

Natural treatments for instant relief

Cauliflower Juice treatment

200 grams of cauliflower is put into a pan of boiling water and boiled on low heat for 15 minutes.

After the bottom is turned off, it is left to infuse for half an hour covered. Then the cauliflowers are taken from it. It is recommended to consume boiled vegetables as a salad.

Half of the cauliflower juice is drunk in the morning and the rest half an hour before dinner.

This treatment is continued for 15 days. It is prepared fresh every day.

Cabbage Juice treatment

Fresh cabbage juice is prepared by boiling on low flame for 15 to 20 minutes and drunk for 15 days.


The stomach is an important organ in the body that has a close relationship with the entire digestive system in particular and the body in general, so it is necessary to have reasonable eating rules, avoid harmful foods and enhance nutrition. Eat stomach-friendly foods to keep your stomach healthy.

Hope this article on Stomach ulcer – causes, symptoms and home remedies, is helpful to you.

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