Health food

13 Health Benefits Of Eating Mangoes

Mango is a favorite fruit of most of us because of its yummy taste and it satisfies our taste buds. But did you know, in addition to the delicious taste, it also provides you with health benefits that you never thought of? In this article, we bring to you 13 health benefits of eating mangoes

Mango fruit generally consists of 80% water and 15-20% sugar and various vitamins such as vitamin A, B2, B6, C and E. Vitamin C in mangoes ranges from 15-80 mg. Mango has many important nutrient content in order to support human health.

13 health benefits of eating mangoes

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Mangoes contain many antioxidants, which help to neutralize free radicals, which destroy cells that cause diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, premature aging and cancer.

Reduce the risk of cancer

Mango contains antioxidants such as fisetin, galic acid, astragalin, quercetin and methylgallate that help prevent cancer, especially related to the gastrointestinal tract, colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancer.

Helps with weight gain

Mango contains starch and when ripe, starch converts into sugar. For every 100 grams of mango contains 75 units of calories.

Lower cholesterol

Mangoes are rich in fiber, vitamin C and pectin, mangoes help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your body. Mango also contains pyridoxine (vitamin B6), vitamin B6 acts as a coenzym that helps convert tryptophan into niacin. It also plays an important role in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. This vitamin is also necessary for fermentation reactions that make glucose from glycogen, contributing to maintaining stable blood glucose levels; helps protect the heart, strengthen the immune system and maintain healthy brain function.

Digestive support

The digestive enzymes found in mangoes help break down proteins, soothe the stomach, reduce acid levels and aid digestion. People with constipation, diarrhea, frequent digestive disorders and dysentery can look to mangoes because it is a good remedy for these diseases.

Good for diabetes

People often think mangoes increase blood sugar levels, but in fact this is misconception. Mango helps stabilize insulin levels in the blood, especially good for people with diabetes. Soak mango leaves in filtered water and leave overnight, you can drink this water after removing the leaves. Using this method regularly will improve the health of diabetics.

Reduce blood pressure

Mango has a high potassium content, so that it can help reduce blood pressure. Mangoes also contain pectin, soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.

Helps smooth and radiant skin

Mango is a natural food that contains a lot of vitamins A and C that help produce natural collagen. Collagen is a protein that builds the connection between tissues and supports the vascular system in the body.

Mango helps clean the pores to help keep your skin soft, smooth and radiant. Mango also helps in preventing acne problems. Using mango powder to apply a mask is an effective way to detoxify the skin.

Oxidizing substances such as zeaxanthin, lutein help protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays, reducing skin damage from the sun.

Increases the body’s immunity

Mango contains beta-carotene, which is rich in carrots too, which strengthens the body’s immune system. Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A which protects the body from disease and eliminates free radical cells.

Anemia Prevention

Mango also contains iron which is important in the treatment of anemia, especially iron deficiency anemia. Vitamin C in mango increases the absorption of iron, making it beneficial for pregnant women and those suffering from anemia.

Improves eye health

Mango is a source of vitamin A, a natural antioxidant. Vitamin A is also known for its vision-enhancing effects. Dry eyes, cornea softening, refractive errors, itching, burning of the eyes can be prevented by eating mangoes regularly.

Asthma Prevention

Mangoes can affect the development of asthma. This is due to beta carotene, which is also found in papaya, apricots, broccoli, melons, pumpkins and carrots.

Improve memory

Mango fruit contains Glutamine acid which is known to improve memory and keep brain cells active.

Mango also contains vitamin B6, which stimulates the brain and maintains memory function, while promoting alertness, improving memory and concentration, preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Enhance sexual health

Mangoes are rich in vitamin C that help repair and regenerate tissues and also help maintain healthy bodies. In men, Vitamin C helps to solve sexual dysfunctions such as: erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Vitamin E in mangoes plays an important role in the production of sex hormones, helping to improve sexual health and enhance desire.

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Mango is a fruit rich in healthy nutrients, however, it can cause undesirable side effects if eaten too much,  so always eat in moderation.

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