
Simple And Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight

Dietary programs are carried out to achieve various goals such as weight loss and health reasons. The correct diet is to maintain the intake of food and drinks to be consumed. We choose what kind of food to eat or what to eat. However, many people misunderstand the notion of diet. Dieting is misinterpreted as a way to withstand hunger and delay eating. If incorrect diet program is followed then it will in fact interfere with your health. Here is a Simple And Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight which you can look at and follow.


In the diet plan, exactly the portion of food intake we consume is little or we reduce the quantity, but that does not mean not to eat at all. We still can’t forget breakfast, lunch, and dinner. There are even some diet programs that recommend eating snacks in the afternoon. Snacks are snacks from healthy food recipes and not just any snacks.


Even if you’re on a diet program, don’t forget about breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Here are some healthy food recipes that you can make at home and delicious to taste:



Simple And Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight


For breakfast you do not need to eat heavy food. You can make a practical morning saparan recipe and it doesn’t take long in processing it. Of course, breakfast should be nutritious for your energy reserves during the day. Here we present tips on making broccoli omelette served with wheat bread. How to make it practical and simple, it only takes about 15 to 20 minutes to present it.



– Two eggs
– Wheat bread
– 1 cup green broccoli


How to prepare:


1. First beat the eggs then add the salt to your taste. Fry the eggs and add the garlic and shallots to make them taste more delicious.

2. Cut the broccoli into small pieces then add it to the beaten egg batter.

3. Heat a frying pan and pour oil. Another alternative is to use margarine or butter instead of cooking oil. Of course margarine and butter are more delicious and healthy.

4. Cook the egg batter along with green broccoli. Once cooked, serve with wholemeal bread and you’re ready to enjoy it.



Lunch should be rich in carbohydrates and protein so you can get back to work with new energy and certainly not get hungry fast. Here we serve a lunch recipe sautéed tempeh with tauco seasoning and chickpeas that you can make which is delicious to taste:



– 75 grams of chickpea
– 50 grams of diced tempeh
– 5 green chili peppers that have been cut into pieces.
– 10 sliced melinjo leaves.
– Tauco seasoning.
– 3 cloves of finely sliced shallots and 2 garlic cloves that have been grated.
– 1 cup coconut milk.
– 1 lemongrass stick and 2 cm of galanth.
– 100 cc of ripe white water.
– Two bay leaves.
– Corn oil.


How to prepare:

1. Heat a frying pan, sauté the shallots and garlic. Use 1 teaspoon corn oil to pour.

2. Stir and sauté the bay leaves, lemongrass, and galanthas and 1 tablespoon tauco seasoning.

3. Add the remaining ingredients such as tempeh, melinjo leaves, petai, chickpeas, and green chili. Stir until the seasoning is evenly matched. Then pour in the water and cook until cooked through.

4. Add the diluted coconut milk to the dish then stir again and cook until cooked through. The dish is ready to serve with rice.



It is recommended to eat your dinner menu by seven o’clock at night because you’re no longer active so your calorie intake will become fat that accumulates in your stomach. For dinner recipes we recommend choosing low fats, calories and carbohydrates such as salads. Here’s the recipe:



– Vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce leaves, broccoli and tomatoes. You can also add other vegetables.
– Pepper powder
– Mayonnaise
– Ketchup
– Lime


How to prepare:


1. Cut into pieces all the vegetables.

2. Make a salad dressing: The way is to blend the mayonnaise, lime juice, pepper, and tomato sauce.

3. Keep the salad dressing in the fridge to make it fresher and better.

4. Serve the vegetables that have been cut into pieces with salad dressing.


Simple And Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight


Tips For Choosing Simple And Best Diet Plan To Lose Weight that Can Be Consumed


Those who do a diet plan in order to lose weight or for health reasons should be smart in choosing the food that they want to consume. Here are the tips:


Choose fresh food:

If you go to the market to buy ingredients you should choose fresh ones. Avoid buying processed foods such as nuggets and so on.


Choose vegetables with a variety of colours:

Vegetables with a variety of colors on our plate will increase our appetite . In addition, vegetables also contain many vitamins and antioxidants which helps to prevent disease. Surely for children who do not like to eat vegetables, parents can creatively cook vegetables of various colors and decorate the child’s plate beautifully so that they get attracted to eat vegetables.


Choose wholegrain bread:

If you like to have breakfast with fresh bread then from now on replace your white bread with a healther wholemeal bread. Wheat bread is high in fiber so it is good for the diet program and helps the digestive system.


Choose a high-protein food:

If you want to eat meat you should choose a high-level but low-calorie diet. For example, sea food and chicken. Eating high-calorie meat will derail your diet program and is also not good for those of you who suffer from obesity.


Choose a healthy snack:

If you’re feeling hungry in the afternoon and want to eat a snack then opt for a healthy snack. You can replace your calorie snacks with vegetables and fruit or nuts and be even more creative if you can make healthy food recipes for your snacks.


Choose a low-sugar food:

If you’re on a diet program to lower your diet or for health reasons such as diabetes, then it’s best to avoid foods or drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Sugar will make you fatter and of course for diabetics will increase sugar levels in the blood which will later threaten health.


Choose sardines:

Sardines are excellent for consumption because they are rich in nutrients especially omega 3. Even sardines have more nutrient content than tuna or salmon.


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